Yes indeed, it is Bent-Con time. The show starts tomorrow, Nov. 30, and runs through Dec. 2. It’s all queer comics and media, all the time. How can you resist? If you’re in southern California this weekend, please drop by.
I’ll be hanging out at the Northwest Press booth to sign copies of Transposes, and I’ll have my original pages with me just in case you were interested in purchasing such a thing (ahem-hem). I also have a few pieces for sale in the Bent-Con art show, including my Bentling illustration here (of course I did the skull Bentling … how could I not?).
So yes. This weekend. Burbank, CA (a stone’s throw from Los Angeles). Queer comics and media. Check the Bent-Con website for further deets. Hope to see you there!
Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Transposes giveaway on Goodreads, if you haven’t already. It closes at midnight on Sunday night, so don’t miss out, yeah?