The latest Politically InQueerect is up on Tapastic. Now we get to find out what Dee’s high school experience was like. Guessing she read a lot of Sandman and listened to a lot of Siouxsie (no, wait, I don’t have to guess).
And, just in case you missed it, I started a new Tumblr blog for my queer comics and art stuff. Follow along if you’re into that sort of thing (and you are or you wouldn’t be here, right?).
Also also, the Kickstarter for QU33R has been successfully funded, but you still have a couple of days to pre-order your copy of the book and snag some of the fun extras. So get on that if you ain’t already.
Finally, I’m sorry to say I WON’T be making an official appearance at Bent-Con as I have a schedule conflict. Which is too bad, because it sounds like it’s going to be an awesome show. And it’s this weekend! So if you’re in SoCal, do make a point to check it out. As for me, I’ll be at Designer Con, which is right next door in Pasadena, CA. It’s an indie toy/design show, and I’ll be there representin’ the Feeps. Heck, go to both shows. Why not.