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New Taxonomically Unbound – LOLCactus

New Taxonomically Unbound – LOLCactus published on No Comments on New Taxonomically Unbound – LOLCactus


As promised, what with it being Friday and all, I bring you the new Taxonomically Unbound, a repository for bad puns and regrettable jokes. Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

As far as update schedules go, I’m thinking Mondays will be for my Patreon supporter’s SEKRIT BLODGE, which you can access by donating a mere $2 a month. The cash goes to support my comic making endeavors, including such niceties as paper and ink, and web hosting for this here site.

Wednesdays will be for my story comics like Politically InQueerect and Valley of the Silk Sky, once that starts up (still shooting for a January launch).

Fridays will be for Taxonomically Unbound, at least until such time as I run out of puns to make.*

*This will probably never happen.



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