Page 5 of Valley of the Silk Sky is now up! “Welcome to Duvane: You Probably Won’t Get Eaten Here!” Here’s where you can see it:
If you’re here because of the anti-Valentine’s Day cards, I dunno, perhaps you might be interested in my current comics project? Valley of the Silk Sky is a long-form science fiction webcomic where the main cast are basically all queer, some are trans, some are asexual, and some are intersex. All are nonbinary/genderqueer cuz that’s just how the world works. They have adventures and do stuff and don’t really agonize about the LGBTQIAness of it.
VoSS has its own website so I can nerd out about world-building stuff without cluttering up Studio NDR any worse than it already is. But I also post just the comics pages here sans extra nerdity, and also on Tapastic.
ANYWAY. Please come back next week when there’ll be some, like, dialogue and stuff.