This week’s PiQue update on Tapastic has a whopping four pages.
This is the first half of the first multi-page story I’d ever written for Todd & Archer, back in 2003. It definitely shows some of the weaknesses of a first attempt, but Todd’s arc still strikes me as amusing.
I have to say, they’re both exceptionally loathsome in this story. I don’t blame you if you’re overcome with an impulse to smack them. They unquestionably deserve it.
You also get a new-old Taxo Unbo this week, another perennial favorite (or is that perineum favorite?). This andropomorphic comic includes a bonus horrible pun in the title.
Yes, it’s been a lot of reruns recently, but new work is barreling your way. Next week’s PiQue will wrap with the second half of “Typical,” Taxo Unbo will be a new stinker, and then the week after THAT, on January 14, Valley of the Silk Sky will debut.
So! Stick around for new work in this, the new year.