Saving queer history from the memory hole

From 2004-2005, I did a weekly editorial cartoon on queer topics of the day for the Texas Triangle (later rebranded as TXT Newsmagazine). In 2017 I put together a collected edition of these cartoons, mostly for archival purposes. I didn’t think a book of comics about topical issues from many years ago was going to sell gangbusters, and I was right. It’s by far my worst-selling book. But I still felt like it was important to keep this material available, especially as queer newspapers around the country went into decline and ceased publication altogether.
When I reread these comics as I assembled the collection, I was struck by how much Trumpism was merely a natural progression from Bushism. And so the value of archiving this material increased: a two-year timeline of proto-Trump Republicanism that was never going to be preserved in any fashion if I didn’t preserve it myself.
One thing the right-wing Christians who funded Project 2025 want to do is to label all mention of queer and trans people as pornography so it can be banned as Bad For The Children. These comics are decidedly not pornographic in any way, shape, or form, but it would still be fodder for the wave of censorship that’s coming.
There’s a push now to start archiving queer media as much as possible. This book is currently available both as a digital download and a print book. If you would like to do your own archiving, you can get it here: