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Secret Loves of Geeks anthology officially announced!

Secret Loves of Geeks anthology officially announced! published on No Comments on Secret Loves of Geeks anthology officially announced!

Secret Loves of Geeks Dark Horse

This has finally been officially announced! Dark Horse is publishing a new Secret Loves anthology, edited by Hope Nicholson, wherein we all reveal our embarrassing secrets about our nerdy passions.

I have a short story in there about my love for Luke Skywalker, despite his hopeless uncoolness, my headcanon of him as asexual, and how he factors in my earliest glimmerings of transness.

More deets on the anthology on the other end of this link.

There are tons of amazing creators in the book:

Margaret Atwood!
Patrick Rothfuss!
Hope Larson!
Sfé R. Monster!
Becky Cloonan!
(including me!)

It’s set for release in February 2018, so PLAN ACCORDINGLY.

Secret Loves of Geeks Star Wars Ace Pilot teaser



“Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space

“Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space published on No Comments on “Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space

Prelude art show at Spectra Art Space

Spectra Art Space here in Denver, Colorado is hosting a comic-themed show, and I’ve got some stuff in it!

The opening reception is June 23 from 7:00 PM – 12:00 AM, and it is, like, totally free, omg. There will be live music, there will be refreshments, and there will be art for sale! Oh yes indeedy. RSVP with Spectra.

I’ve included some brand new Valley of the Silk Sky art in the show, stuff what no one else has seen (well, no one apart from my Patrons, that is).

The show will be up for the next month, so even if you can’t make it to the reception you should swing by!



Denver Pride this weekend

Denver Pride this weekend published on No Comments on Denver Pride this weekend

comics by Dylan Edwards

I am up at the crack of ass so I can go set up at Denver Pride and sell folks some queer comics. I’ll be tabling with Out in Colorado Fiction, which is nestled in booth J25.

Where the heck is booth J25? It’s between the main stage and the art museum, over by Broadway.

If you’re gonna be at Pride, come swing by and snag some books!



Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, and a Feep sale

Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, and a Feep sale published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, and a Feep sale

Feeping Creatures monsters for every occasion Etsy sale

Perhaps you’re wondering what the heck is up with Valley of the Silk Sky. Well, I’ll tell you.

I am currently in the process of revising the thumbnails for Chapter 8, and inching ever closer to being ready to start pencils. This particular chapter was a bit more rough in the draft than some of the others, so it’s required more revision than some of the others. I think it’s just about THERE, though. I know one scene that needs some work, but otherwise I’m feeling pretty good about it.

In the meanwhiles, I’ve been posting some sketches and concept art and whatnot to my Patreon blog, so if you want to peep those things you should drop a dollar (or more!) in the can.

Also, if you follow my Feeping Creatures artwork, you may be interested to know I have a sale going on for items in my Etsy shop.

My car just racked up a substantial repair bill, so the sale is helping defray some of those costs. Hence the discount code YAYCAR. Anyhow, that code snags you 20% off your purchase, so why not buy some monster art today, eh? Why not?

I’ve got a couple of shows coming up (Denver Pride the weekend of June 17-18, and a group show at the Spectra Art Gallery starting June 23), but I’ll post more info about those next week.



QAT Person 2 on Gumroad, Butch coloring book, WisCon approaches, and more

QAT Person 2 on Gumroad, Butch coloring book, WisCon approaches, and more published on No Comments on QAT Person 2 on Gumroad, Butch coloring book, WisCon approaches, and more

QAT Person number 2 queer asexual transgender comics

Lots of announcements to make! First up, I added my newest minicomic to my Gumroad store. QAT Person 2 contains comics I’ve done for The Nib and PEN America, as well as some extras. So if you’ve been wanting print versions of those, here ’tis!

I also have two illustrations in the upcoming Butch Lesbians of the ’20s, ’30’s, and ’40s Coloring Book, which is scheduled for a June release from Stacked Deck Press. You can preorder now, though!

Next week, May 26-29, I’ll be at WisCon. You will mostly be able to find me in the vendor’s room with my comics and Feeping Creatures stuff. I’ll also be on three panels:

Small Everyday Forms of Resistance in SF/F
Saturday, May 27
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM

Alt-Comix, How Do They Work?
Sunday, May 28
8:30 AM – 9:45 AM

World-Building through Profanity
Sunday, May 28
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM

So THAt oughta be a bucket of fun. (That profanity panel I am extremely excited about, I gotta say.)

Finally, I’m sorry to say I’ve decided to remove my comics from Tapastic. Their most recent update to the terms of service was unacceptable to me, so I’ve deleted all my series on there. You can, of course, still read my comics right here at, or you can follow Valley of the Silk Sky on tumblr.



Transposes makes Comicosity’s top 100 LGBTA list!

Transposes makes Comicosity’s top 100 LGBTA list! published on No Comments on Transposes makes Comicosity’s top 100 LGBTA list!

Transposes by Dylan Edwards comics about transgender people

Over the past few months, Comicosity has been assembling a list of top 100 comics with LGBTA representation, and Transposes is featured as one of the titles.

There’s a lot of good stuff on the list, so if you’re hankerin’ for new queer/trans comics to read, give it a look!

It’s been awful quiet around here. What else is going on, you might ask?

Mostly I’ve been working on stuff for print publication, so I haven’t had much to post online. Turned in my story for the upcoming Secret Loves of Geeks anthology (should be out this winter), and am currently scribbling away on a couple of pieces for Stacked Deck Press’s next coloring book (Butches of the 20s, 30s, and 40s). The first coloring book of Queer Heroes is available for purchase here, and includes my Edward Gorey illustration.

Anyway, if you want to take a sneak peek at these works in progress, I’ve been keeping my Patrons updated with teasers. One single dollar a month gets you access, and helps keep me creating queer comics goodness.



DiNKy business

DiNKy business published on No Comments on DiNKy business

queer and trans comics by Dylan Edwards

DiNK Denver is coming up this weekend (April 8-9, 2017), and I will be there with a pile o’ comics for sale! I’m one of the local artists profiled in this here Westword article.

I will also be on a panel on Sunday April 9 at 2:15 – Cultural Influences of the LGBTQ Community on Indie Art

And. AND. Valley of the Silk Sky is nominated for a DiNKy Award for Best Webcomic!

If you’ll be in Denver this weekend, please come to the show and support indie creators!


Back in November I was interviewed by American View magazine, a publication of the U.S. Embassy in Japan which seeks to bring American culture to a Japanese audience. Well, that interview is now live! It’s available in both English and Japanese (there’s a button at the top right to switch languages), so you have no excuse not to read it.

Finally, I’m wrapping up a comic I’ve been working on for an upcoming anthology. I got really sick this past month and there was other family stuff going on, so my productivity has been very slow of late. I’m gradually getting back on track, though, so hopefully I’ll have some new stuff to show off soon.

As per usual, my $1+ Patreons are getting sneak peeks at works in progress, as well as behind-the-scenes fun. A mere one dollar a month snags you these fine perks, and helps keep me creating new stuff. Pitch in if you can!



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 concludes! ALSO: New comic on The Nib!

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 concludes! ALSO: New comic on The Nib! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 concludes! ALSO: New comic on The Nib!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA webcomic

Page 71 wraps up chapter 7, and you can read ALLLLLL about it here:

What next, you ask?

I need to work on an anthology comic for a bit, so I’m not sure yet when chapter 8 will start. It’s already thumbnailed, though, so hopefully not too terribly long.

In the meantime, I have a new comic up on The Nib as part of a series on trans bathroom stuff. You can read it right now with your very own eyeballs.

As ever, if you want to peek behind the scenes to see works in progress and other goodies, pledge $1 a month (or more, if you like!) to my Patreon.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 70 is just behind that bush

Valley of the Silk Sky page 70 is just behind that bush published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 70 is just behind that bush

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi fantasy comic

VotSS page 70? Point your eyeballs hither and/or thither:

MEANWHILE. I will be at the ol’ Emerald City Comic Book Symposium this weekend, March 2-5, tabling with Northwest Press once again. You can find us at booth 1719.

I will have a NEW MINICOMIC by jiminy:

QAT Person issue 2 cover

This one contains my trans/ace comic what was published on The Nib last year, and also this one from PEN America, and a couple of sketch comics about my trip to a trans bar in Japan.

Anyhow, ECCC will mark the debut of this mini, so this is your first chance to snag it. I urge you to do so!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 69 is hiding the evidence

Valley of the Silk Sky page 69 is hiding the evidence published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 69 is hiding the evidence

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA staring contest

I meant to say, evidence? What evidence? I know nothing of any so-called “””evidence”””. [Do NOT seek evidence at these links, there is NO evidence to be found.]

There IS some evidence to suggest I’ll be at the Emerald City Comic Book Concern and Symposium next (!) week. If such a thing were indeed true, I would be found at the Northwest Press booth #1719.

Maybe if you’re going to be in attendance, you should do some sleuthing to find out if, in fact, this lead is legit. Investigate all possible leads!



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