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New comic up on The Nib

New comic up on The Nib published on No Comments on New comic up on The Nib

Queer Asexual Trans comics

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve been working on a ton of freelance, but you can now peep some of the stuff that’s been keeping me busy!

First off, check out this new comic I did for The Nib. Seven whole pages of autobio comic shenanigans about being queer, asexual, and trans.

If you liked my QAT Person minicomic, you will definitely want to point your eyeballs at this new one. (And if you haven’t yet snagged a copy of my QAT Person minicomic, well heck, whaddaya waitin’ for. Get it here.)

I’ve also been working on a series of illustrations for Out2Enroll, a non-profit that helps LGBTQIA+ folks in California find health insurance and raises awareness of patient rights. The first two illos are up here and here, and there will be five more to come.

So yeah, been busy! But pretty soon now I’ll be starting pencils on the next chapter of Valley of the Silk Sky, so stay chooned.



SPX this weekend! Come to the thing!

SPX this weekend! Come to the thing! published on No Comments on SPX this weekend! Come to the thing!

books by Dylan EdwardsIt is time once again for the Small Press Expo to commence! This weekend, September 17-18, 2016, you will find me at the MARRIOTT NORTH BETHESDA HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER. [Dunt dunt dunn]

I’ll be ensconced at the Northwest Press table D2.

Also, as you may recall, the Beyond Anthology is nominated for an Ignatz Award, so like vote for it and stuff.

AND, there will be a bunch of us Beyondees scattered about the show, should you wish to seek out autographs. Use this handy treasure map to seek out your fortune:

Small Press Expo 2016 Beyond Anthology scavenger hunt map

I personally am sold out of Beyonds, but will be bringing a display copy if you want to flip through. I know Reed Black will have a handful of copies to sell, so hit his table up early if you wanna snag one.

Hope to see you this weekend!



Awards and noms

Awards and noms published on No Comments on Awards and noms

Transgender representation in media comic

Exciting news! That comic I did for Fusion last year, “How I told My Grandma I’m Transgender,” has won the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Award for Excellence in Transgender Coverage!


(Answer: it’s pretty darn cool.)

If you’d like to have a copy of this comic in print format, remember you can buy the minicomic version from my Gumroad store.

So, like, I’ve been in a few award-winning anthologies, but this is my first solo award for my comics work. So I am, as of now, officially an Award Winning Cartoonist™.


Beyond Anthology queer science fiction and fantasy comics

The Beyond Anthology, which has already won a Lambda Literary Award and been named to the Tiptree Honor List, is now nominated for an Ignatz Award for Outstanding Anthology or Collection.

So! Even more coolness.

I do indeed have plans to be at SPX with Northwest Press (table D2). So if you’re going to be there, come to the booth for some queer comics goodness, and vote Beyond Anthology for Outstanding Anthology or Collection!



FlameCon this weekend, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report

FlameCon this weekend, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report published on No Comments on FlameCon this weekend, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report

FlameCon 2 queer comics convention

This very weekend, August 20-21, you can find me at FlameCon in Brooklyn, NY! I’m super excited about this queer comics convention. If you, also, are excited about queer comics and are in NY, come to the thing.

I’ll be at table 17 with Eric Arroyo and Kou Chen, and will also be participating in the Queercopia Readings at noon on Sunday. EXCITE.

As far as the status of Valley of the Silk Sky is concerned: I’ve been busy thumbnailing the next several chapters (turns out chapters 8 and 9 had to swap places for timeline reasons), and hope to wrap that up before I head to NYC.

Then it will be on to penciling chapter 7. I do still have various other paying projects competing for my time, so I can’t say when exactly you’ll start seeing pages again. Pledgers to my Patreon are currently seeing my VotSS story from the Beyond Anthology, and are getting some behind-the-scenes deets as well as additional world-building nuggets.

So, like, if you want in on that, go drop a dollar (or more!) per month and it shall be yours. The more people pledge, the more I can focus on VotSS, and the less I have to take on other paying work in order to “eat” “food” and “pay” “bills.”



SDCC approacheth

SDCC approacheth published on No Comments on SDCC approacheth

Queer Comics by Dylan Edwards

San Diego Comic Con (or Comic Con International, if you prefer) is next week! Am I ready? Is anyone ready?

As per previous years, you can find me and my books at the Northwest Press section of the PRISM Comics booth #2144.

I’m also on two panels this year:

Queer Representation in All-Ages and Youth Media
Friday, July 22 at 10:00 AM in Room 4

Gays (And More) in Comics (And More)
Saturday, July 23 at 6:00 PM in Room 29AB

If you have the Comic Con app you can use those links to bookmark the panels in your schedule. I’m moderating the Queer Rep in Youth Media panel, so come to the thing to hear me ask HARD HITTING questions about LIBRARIES.

As for Other Things: I’ve been busily thumbnailing the comics project that is currently keeping me from working on Valley of the Silk Sky, so that one’s proceeding apace. Also been working on character designs for another anthology piece.

If you’re looking for stuff to read in the meantime, you can always hit up my Patreon. For the next few months I’ll be serializing my Valley of the Silk Sky story from Beyond, and including world-building commentary. A mere one dollar a month grants you admission, and your financial support allows me to continue focusing on comics.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete!

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete!

Queer YA sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Page 63 is up, and that’s a wrap on chapter 6! Read the SHOCKING CONCLUSION here:

If you want to read the whole thing from the start, or to pick a specific chapter head, might I recommend this link: Start Here: Table of Contents

So, what next, you ask.

Right now I’m in the midst of working on a different comics project, and it’s going to keep me busy through most of the rest of the summer. That means I don’t expect to be able to start running chapter 7 until the fall.

If you don’t feel like waiting that long to see what I’ve been working on, a mere one dollar a month over at my Patreon will get you access to my work-in-progress blog. Your dollars are immensely helpful in making it possible for me to keep doing this comics thing.

I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con in July once again. Got a couple of panels lined up, but they have not been officially announced yet, so I am not supposed to tell you when just yet. BUT! Stay tuned for further news.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest

Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest

lgbtqia sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

New page of VotSS is up, and it may contain SHOREFADOWING. It may be read at any of these fine locations:

If you came to Denver Comic Con or Denver Pride this past weekend and stopped by either booth I was at, thank you! I’m not sure I’m gonna double-book like that again, at least not when it’s 100 degrees out. But it was good to talk to the folks who came buy, and both shows went well!

Next up is Denver Zine Fest, which is this Saturday, June 25. Click through that link for hours and location. It’s FREE admission, so you have none excuse. ZERO OF EXCUSES.

Also! I will reveal more about this later on, but I just signed a contract to work on a short autobio comic. This is going to mean a delay in running Chapter 7 of Valley of the Silk Sky, but it’ll be worth it, I promise.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride

Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride

Valley of the Silk Sky queer sci-fi webcomic

VotSS page 61 is up, and it features SARDONIC HAIR FLIPS OF DOOM. Read here:

Just in case you’re curious: while Chadsen is not biologically related to Beneke and Amihan, xe was fostered by them as a teen, so there’s more than a little parent/child dynamic to their relationship.

Oh, also I was interviewed for Asexual Artists. Read my ramblings here.

So anyway! I’m doing TWO shows this weekend, on account of I am bananas.

I’ll be at Denver Comic Con this weekend (June 17-19, 2016) AND Denver Pride (June 18-19).

My current plan is to be at Pride in the mornings (before the weather gets too gross, ha ha), and to retreat to the air conditioned Colorado Convention Center for the afternoons.

At DCC you can find me at the Northwest Press booth AA25.

At Pride I’ll be with the Out in Colorado booth J25-26.




Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer ya sci-fi comic

First up, if you’re a giant nerd and want to read all about my linguistic choices for Valley of the Silk Sky, I answered an ask on Tumblr about that very subject.

Valley of the Silk Sky page 60 is up, and it features THRILLING DISCUSSIONS of GRANT MONEY ALLOCATION. Witness the shocking revelations here:

Speaking of shocking revelations that are VoSS-related, the Beyond Anthology won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Fiction Anthology! Full list of winners is here. This comes shortly after Beyond was placed on the James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award Honor List, so it’s been a good couple weeks for queer SFF comics!

Should you be thinking to yourself, gosh, I sure would like to BUY some queer comics, WELL. I just updated my publications list with hot, fresh links for where to purchase said titles.

Also, speaking of buying books (I’m all about the segues today). I will not be at CAKE myself, but you can find a selection of my comics at Table 6 with Ed Luce/Wuvable Oaf. So if you’re in Chicago and want some queer comics, head on over there.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 59

Valley of the Silk Sky page 59 published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 59

Valley of the Silk Sky lgbtqia YA sci-fi comic

Page 59 of Valley of the Silk Sky is up, and it contains SARCASM. Witness the atrocity here:

If you read my story in the Beyond Anthology, you will no doubt recognize Beneke and Amihan and their Lab of Much Science.

WisCon went really, really well! I’m super happy about it and will definitely be making plans to attend next year.

Next up is Denver Comic Con and Denver Pride (both the same weekend! Ha ha!), and then Denver Zine Fest the weekend after that. You can find all the details on my Appearances page, but I’ll give some further particulars as the dates approach.

But yes, I’m splitting my time between Denver Comic Con and Denver Pride. Not sure yet which specific hours and days I’ll be where, but once it’s sorted I’ll post about it.


Until next week,


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