About Politically InQueerect:
Put gay conservatives, goth lipstick lesbians, genderqueers, and bisexual musicians into blender. Mix at low speed until thoroughly entangled. Salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with satire. Recommended for ages 13+.

A skeptical ghost story for those who wish Edmund Blackadder were gay, this 48-page comic book includes the entire Old Ghosts storyline, as well as a selection of some of the best comics from the strip’s 14-year run.
48 pages, full color comic book. $1.00 – $5.00.
Digital also available.
My first webcomic, Politically InQueerect ran from 2000-2014. While I worked on other series as well during those years (including a weekly editorial cartoon, The Outfield, and Transposes), Politically InQueerect updated periodically throughout that time span and therefore most clearly shows my development as an artist and a writer.
As such, I’ve decided to leave the entire series online, like a little time-lapse video of me learning how to comic. Each of the main story arcs is linked below. PiQue Pieces collects anthology appearances, one-off comics, cameos, sketches, and other ephemera from over the years.

Original Comic Art for Sale
If you’re interested in buying some Politically InQueerect originals, some pages on here will have a little “Purchase” button under the title, which will take you to a PayPal checkout:
Shipping is included in the purchase price. If the “purchase” button isn’t visible, the original is not available for sale. If you run into any issues, please email me at studiondr@gmail.com.
Critical Acclaim for Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts and Other Stories
“An insightful, humorous and unique comic.” — Lambda Literary Review
“A fun, clever story, somewhat akin to a drawing room comedy.” — Panel Patter
“A nicely dialectical exposé in the shape of a comedy where opposites attract.” — Gay Comics List