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The PIQue Remastering Project continues!

The PIQue Remastering Project continues! published on No Comments on The PIQue Remastering Project continues!

Politically InQueerect

New comic day! In which a perfectly cordial exchange of ideas ensues, and no thoughts of murder are entertained. Clicken zie link for to read.

Thanks, by the way, to everyone who came by the Northwest Press booth at the LA Times Festival of Books. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting you all. It was pretty busy there, with not a lot of down time, but somehow Jon Macy and I still managed to stage an art battle. The results are below, and are a testament to the fact that you should not leave mostly blank white paper in the company of artists

(Apologies to Samuel James Finch, who I guess left his zine at the booth at some point; I did actually read it and your stuff was actually good, I just … WHITE PAPER NOM NOM NOM.)


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