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PiQue and upcoming projects

PiQue and upcoming projects published on No Comments on PiQue and upcoming projects

Politically InQueerect Todd

The latest remastered-in-color Politically InQueerect is up on Tapastic. Sometimes you just should not let others make your travel arrangements for you. Especially when that person is a notorious cheapskate.

I’ve got a stack of new comics projects in the queue, though I’m not exactly certain when what will show up where. My plan is really definitely seriously to finish the long Politically InQueerect story I started long ago. I have 12 out of 36 pages already drawn and inked, they just need to be colored. So my goal is to get crackin’ on that, maybe even later today, and have enough of a head start in the queue that I can keep it running weekly even if I get interrupted for other things.

Those other things mostly being my story for Beyond. Because of deadlines, that’ll have to take top priority once the editors are done editing at it.

ghost librarian and hot gay scientist

If you follow me on Tumblr you may have seen a recent post about a ghost story I just wrote. The script is basically finished now, just needs to marinate for a bit. The character designs have shifted slightly from those in the post, though it’s strictly cosmetic. I decided the story is officially set in 1948, with our ghost protagonist maintaining a 1930s appearance, so I had to tweak the hair and clothing styles to be more period-accurate. That means no sideburns, I’m sorry to say, but it’s made up for by fucking awesome suits.

Anyway, THAT story is next in the queue after PiQue and Beyond, and I’m terribly excited about it, so look for it hopefully in the latter half of 2014.



Queer scientist-on-scientist action, starring Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib

Queer scientist-on-scientist action, starring Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib published on No Comments on Queer scientist-on-scientist action, starring Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib

Pacific Rim Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib making out

I don’t know what to tell you. There I was, minding my own business, when various unsavory artist friends on Twitter led me down the dark path of Newt/Hermann fan art. Just because I have a weakness for queer scientists and doing drawings of same. Here’s the relevant tumblr post.

Other than this sort of filth, I’ve mostly been working on character designs for my story for Beyond (and the epic fantastical science story those characters shall appear in after, and yes, there will be queer scientist-on-scientist action in that, too). I will post some of these arts eventually, but a lot of it is spoilery, so it’ll have to wait. Also, a couple of the characters were giving me design-related fits, and it’s taken awhile to nail them down. I think, though, I THINK I have it now. I’m just letting it percolate a bit before making it official.



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