At long last, Valley of the Silk Sky has returned from hiatus, and we can now step gingerly into Part Two. Thus do I present unto you the start of chapter 6 on page 53:
One of the things that became clear to me at Emerald City Comic Con (which was awesome, by the way) is that I need to upgrade the version of VoSS I sell in person at shows. The minicomic for chapters 1&2 was put together when that’s all I had done, and it was fine for awhile, but now it doesn’t feel substantial enough.
So, to that end, I’ve put together a POD edition of the whole of Part One. It’s at the printers now, hopefully to be delivered in time for TCAF and WisCon next month. I hope it doesn’t look like trash! In order to get the job done as quickly as possible I had to skip getting a print proof. I’m a little nervous about this. Ha ha. Hopefully it’ll ALL BE FINE.
Anyway. So! KGNU interview! Melanie Gillman and I were recently invited to talk about queer comics for Denver/Boulder radio listeners, and that interview is now up on the web for everyone everywhere to enjoy. Lend it your earbones, won’t ya.
Last item: shows! The big ones up next are, as I mentioned previously, TCAF and WisCon. I have two local events before that:
Zines and Cereal, which is tomorrow (April 21) at the Europa Coffee house, 76 S Pennsylvania St, Denver, from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. You will find me there, selling my comics and minis.
Also, I’ll be doing a Free Comic Book Day event on May 7 at Mutiny Comics here in Denver. More details on that as they solidify. Hopefully, fingers crossed, I’ll have the new Valley of the Silk Sky book available for that one.