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Talkin’ indie comics in Tokyo, Mini Comic Con this Saturday

Talkin’ indie comics in Tokyo, Mini Comic Con this Saturday published on No Comments on Talkin’ indie comics in Tokyo, Mini Comic Con this Saturday

MiniComicCon Flyer

I’ll be at Mini Comic Con this Saturday, December 3, here in Denver. It’s free and runs from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, so if you’re in town you should come check it out!

So that talk on Entrepreneurship in American Independent comics that I gave in Tokyo at the American Center? The video is now on line for your viewing pleasure. One catch: it’s dubbed in Japanese, no subtitles, so if you don’t speak Japanese that’s TOO BAD. Second caveat, it’s not edited, so you can watch me flail as I realize I left some of my materials in the green room and have to send someone to go get them, ha ha.

ANYWAY, if none of that deters you, here it is.

I would like to post the transcript in English at some point as a blog series, but it’ll take some time to put that together.

Meanwhile, I’ve been posting diary comics of my Japan travels over on my Patreon. Most of these are visible to $1+ Patrons, but here’s a sample that you can read for free.

Once I have a chance to scan the diary comics and clean them up a bit, my plan is to put together a new minicomic about my Japan travels. I’ll let you know once it’s available.



Asexual Awareness Week, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, Japan talk

Asexual Awareness Week, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, Japan talk published on No Comments on Asexual Awareness Week, Valley of the Silk Sky progress report, Japan talk

comic about asexuality

So hey, it’s Asexual Awareness Week! If you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out my comic for The Nib, wherein I go on about intersections of asexual, queer, and trans identities.

I was also interviewed for the BiCast podcast, wherein Sara Beth Brooks and I talk with Lynnette McFadzen about – what else? – ASEXUALITY. You can point your ears thisaway to indulge in said cast of pod.

Finally, speaking of comics with asexual characters, I have news on the Valley of the Silk Sky front. As you may recall, the comic was on hold while I worked on various and sundry freelance projects. But those projects are now complete, and I’m in the process of penciling chapter 7 even now.

I’m going to be in Japan for most of November, and my goal is to have the pencils finished before I leave. My goal is NOT to work myself to death while I’m on semi-vacation, so I won’t be doing any coloring until I get back. That puts the timeline at running chapter 7 in January. Appropriate enough, since January is VotSS’s birthday!

I say Japan is a semi-vacation, since I will be giving a talk on Entrepreneurship in American Comics while I’m there. So if you, also, will be in Tokyo on November 16th, you can come to the thing! It’s at the American Center from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 16. More details here (page is in Japanese).

I have a couple more announcements about upcoming events in December, but I’ll tell you more about those closer to the date.



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