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PiQue: Old Ghosts page 9 is lurking in the darkness

PiQue: Old Ghosts page 9 is lurking in the darkness published on No Comments on PiQue: Old Ghosts page 9 is lurking in the darkness

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Todd

Page 9 of Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts is up! Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

One gets the impression Archer does indeed think it’s a pity that public hangings aren’t an option right at this moment.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here. Though I don’t know why the thumbnails are all wonky. Sigh.

What else is going on that I can tell you about? Oh, yeah, the Kickstarter for Jon Macy’s Fearful Hunter! This is so close to funded, and a mere week left to go! Throw in some $$ if you’d like to see some queer druid/werewolf lovin’. You would, right? That’s what I thought.



PiQue: Old Ghosts page 5, and Fearful Hunter funtimes

PiQue: Old Ghosts page 5, and Fearful Hunter funtimes published on No Comments on PiQue: Old Ghosts page 5, and Fearful Hunter funtimes

Politically InQueerect Archer

It’s Wednesday, and that means the new page of Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts is live! At long last, we arrive at our destination, and we learn that in Archer’s case the sarcasm is congenital. You can read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

If you need to get caught up, or just want to refresh your memory, the archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Halvanylila Razi grooming teaserIn other exciting comix news, I’ve done a 1-page backup story for Jon Macy’s upcoming Fearful Hunter collected volume. In addition to his own story of queer druid/werewolf luv, he asked several of his artist pals to do short pieces on the subject of queer monster romance. I decided to do a page featuring two of my characters from my Beyond story, Halvanylila and Razi. I babble about it a bit further in my Tumblr post on the subject, so wander over there if you’re dying for more details.

I shall include a teaser here, but obviously for the full page you’ll have to pick up the Fearful Hunter tome when it comes out. Not sure what the release date is, but I’ll let you know when I know.



The PIQue Remastering Project continues!

The PIQue Remastering Project continues! published on No Comments on The PIQue Remastering Project continues!

Politically InQueerect

New comic day! In which a perfectly cordial exchange of ideas ensues, and no thoughts of murder are entertained. Clicken zie link for to read.

Thanks, by the way, to everyone who came by the Northwest Press booth at the LA Times Festival of Books. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting you all. It was pretty busy there, with not a lot of down time, but somehow Jon Macy and I still managed to stage an art battle. The results are below, and are a testament to the fact that you should not leave mostly blank white paper in the company of artists

(Apologies to Samuel James Finch, who I guess left his zine at the booth at some point; I did actually read it and your stuff was actually good, I just … WHITE PAPER NOM NOM NOM.)


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