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Valley of the Silk Sky: “Medicine; Run” proceeds apace; SDCC approaches

Valley of the Silk Sky: “Medicine; Run” proceeds apace; SDCC approaches published on
Valley of the Silk Sky: Medicine Run

If you’re wondering why things have been quiet here these last few weeks, it’s because I’ve been focusing on posting updates over on the Valley of the Silk Sky website.

You can, for example, read several pages of “Medicine; Run” right now, as I work my way through the weekly serialization of this short story.

You can also buy the minicomic edition if you’re impatient, or if you prefer to read in print. Neat!

Will I ever post this short story to Studio NDR? I don’t know! Maybe. I just feel a bit overwhelmed with maintaining a billion websites and social media accounts, ha ha. For now, it lives in its own little corner of the web.

Meanwhile, SDCC

Monster Journey trans masculine comics anthology

Yes, I’ll be there! Once again you can find me in Small Press, where I will be sharing table L-06 with Stacked Deck Press (publisher of We’re Still Here, in which I have a short story, as well as several queer & trans-themed coloring books in which I have illustrations).

I’ll have a few copies of Monster Journey, the all-trans masc anthology from Pocket Bear Press in which I have an exclusive new Valley of the Silk Sky short story.

If you can’t make it to SDCC, you can snag Monster Journey online in either physical or e-book form.

I’m also working on some Feeping Creatures micro zines, featuring a bunch of artwork you probably haven’t seen before, so keep an eyeball out for those as well.

So yeah, been busy, even if I don’t always manage to post about it here!

An Anthology of Anthology Announcements

An Anthology of Anthology Announcements published on
We're Still Here all-transgender comics anthology

I’m excited to announce that We’re Still Here, the all-trans comic anthology in which I have a short story, has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award! If you haven’t already snagged a copy of this book, you can do so from Stacked Deck Press.

I realize I’m biased and all, but this really is an excellent collection of comics offering a multitude of perspectives of the trans experience.

Monster Journey all-trans masculine anthology

I also just got my comps of the Monster Journey anthology, featuring monster-themed stories by trans masc creators. This is not yet generally available, but I will have a very (VERY) small number available for sale at DiNK in April. I have a brand new Valley of the Silk Sky short story in here, of which $1+ Patrons have gotten some work-in-progress peeks. Soon you’ll be able to read the whole darn thing!

Meanwhile, I just got the rights back to my short story, Ace Pilot, that was originally published in the Dark Horse anthology Secret Loves of Geeks. So my next webcomic serialization will be that story. Starting Monday, March 11, $1+ Patrons will get early access to the comic, and it’ll go up for the general public on Thursdays.

Finally, I’m still working on coloring my Valley of the Silk Sky short story, “Medicine; Run,” that was originally published in the Beyond Anthology. $1+ Patrons have been getting sneak peeks at that work in progress as well, natch. I’m about 75% done, so still on track to release it as a minicomic in time for DiNK. I’ll also be running it as a webcomic once Ace Pilot wraps up.

In other words, lots of comics coming your way!

New Taxo Unbo, Mini Comic Con, Tumblr goings-on, VotSS news, etc.

New Taxo Unbo, Mini Comic Con, Tumblr goings-on, VotSS news, etc. published on

Taxonomically Unbound - If a grape stubbornly refuses to dry out, is it being unraisinable

First up, here is where one might read the new Taxonomically Unbound, should one so choose:

But, wait there’s more. Oh, so much more to discuss. First up, an event this very Saturday:

Mini Comic Con

On Saturday, Dec 8, I will be at the Sam Gary Branch of the Denver Public Library for Mini Comic Con. The event runs from 10 AM – 4 PM, and admission is free. FREE, I tell you.

All the deets are to be found at this Facebook event page, so click and learn.

Tumblr goings-on

Meanwhile, what the heck with Tumblr, you ask.

As you may know, Tumblr is, as far as I can tell, in the process of destroying itself by driving off its entire user base and generally treating everyone like garbage. Cool!

It’s hard to say right now how all this is going to shake out, but I’m definitely bracing for Tumblr to essentially disappear altogether, or to fall so far into irrelevancy that it hangs around like MySpace’s ghost but no one really speaks of it anymore.

The problem that creates for me is that the Valley of the Silk Sky website is built on a Tumblr webcomic platform. Now, I had long yearned to make a proper VotSS website, since the limits of the Tumblr site functionality grate on my nerves sometimes. But building a whole new website is a massive (unpaid) undertaking, so I haven’t been in a rush to get to it.

However. If Tumbs is going to flush itself down the toilet, getting to website building is a thing I’m going to have to do.

So I’ve started the process. I have a dot com domain for VotSS, and the bones of the new site are there. It’s going to be at least a couple few weeks before I even feel comfortable linking to it, since it really is a construction zone at the moment, but the process is underway.

I’ll continue to post to the VotSS Tumblr site for as long as it seems reasonable to do so, but know that soon Valley of the Silk Sky will have its own home.

Monster Journey update

Speaking of Valley of the Silk Sky, you may recall I’d created a short story for the Monster Journey anthology, and said anthology was having a Kickstarter to raise funds to print. Well, I’m sorry to say the KS didn’t make goal. So what happens next?

I’ve already been paid for my contribution, as have all the other artists involved, so that part isn’t an issue. The publisher has said he’ll likely run a new Kickstarter in a couple of months, and will definitely be publishing the books one way or the other. So I’ll let you know when I have more details.

I am no KS expert by any means, but I have definitely noticed that campaigns running during the holidays tend to struggle. Thanksgiving week is something of a black hole, and losing an entire week of a crowdfunding campaign certainly ups the difficulty. Hopefully a post-holiday campaign will fare better!

Finally …

I was having alllll kinds of website problems last week. I *think* they have been resolved, though I’m still noticing a thing or two out of place. Mostly minor stuff related to deprecated widgets and whatnot.

Anyhow. Lots going on, and I must get back to it!



New Taxonomically Unbound, New Kickstarter for queer monster comics!

New Taxonomically Unbound, New Kickstarter for queer monster comics! published on

Taxonomically Unbound - False teeth for rats: Rodentures

O yes indeed, there’s a new Taxonomically Unbound. Brace yourselves for this one, and read it here:


As you may recall, the whole reason I’ve been putting out all these TaxoUnbos was because I was hard at work on a new Valley of the Silk Sky story for an anthology, and the Kickstarter for that anthology is now live!

It’s actually TWO anthologies (though you can choose to back one or both). My story is in Monster Journey, an all-trans masc book about monster funtimes.

The other anthology, For the Love of Monsters, features stories about human/monster dating.

Do they both sound awesome? Of course they do! So go forth and pitch in to shepherd these books off to the printer.



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