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Ace Pilot continues, and a Podcast interview emerges

Ace Pilot continues, and a Podcast interview emerges published on
Ace Pilot queer asexual transgender autobio comic

The thrilling autobio saga of Star Wars and my queer/asexual/trans identity continues!

Ace Pilot page 3 may be glimpsed here on Studio NDR and here on Patreon.

If you want to read all the pages that have been posted thus far, point your eyeballs this way.

But wait, you say. What’s this about a podcast?

A Podcast!

Yes indeed, I was recently interviewed by the FemiNerd Files podcast, wherein we discussed my comics and the making thereof. If you’ve always wanted to know how the heck I ended up writing a series about gay Republicans, or what fuels my imagination when I’m designing the world of Valley of the Silk Sky, give it a listen!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 39, and a PiQue peek

Valley of the Silk Sky page 39, and a PiQue peek published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 39, and a PiQue peek

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA SFF webcomic

Page 39 of Valley of the Silk Sky features PERKY ENTHUSIASM and BLOOD. Read all about it here:

For new folks who may have wandered in after reading my Fusion comic on trans representation in media, Valley of the Silk Sky is my queer YA science fiction webcomic that features an all-nonbinary cast and a few trans characters. I post the individual VoSS pages here on Studio NDR (my ancient, creaky website devoted to my art), but I built a whole other website to host All Things Valley of the Silk Sky.

So you’d want to head over there if you’re a nerd for world-building, or want to read up on the cast, or find out more about other VoSS stories in other publications.

As far as where to read the pages, as I said you can read them here on Studio NDR, but this site build is, as I said, old and not very mobile-friendly. If you prefer to read on a tablet or phone, both the Voss tumblr website and the Tapastic page are mobile-friendly. Tapastic is specifically designed for webcomic publishing, so it has several nifty features for your reading pleasure, like place-holding and new page alerts.

Politically InQueerect cameo in Transposes

Speaking of Tapastic, I started adding some Politically InQueerect cameos to the PiQue archive there. The most recent post is from Transposes, where Archer, Todd, and Dee show up as faces in a crowd. See the page in question here, and read the “more” stuff at the bottom for further trivia.

Finally, to any new readers, you can buy Transposes and Politically InQueerect comics from my publisher, Northwest Press. And you can read a 16-page standalone Valley of the Silk Sky story in the Beyond Anthology. Neat!

Anyway, see you next Wednesday for the latest VoSS installment!



Old Ghosts print book is here! VoSS print book is soon!

Old Ghosts print book is here! VoSS print book is soon! published on No Comments on Old Ghosts print book is here! VoSS print book is soon!

queer comics politically inqueerect transposes

The Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts printed comic book has been spotted in the wild! Northwest Press is at PAX East this weekend and has copies available for sale, so go grab one if you’re there.

If you’re NOT there, don’t worry. You can buy it online from NWP, and it should be in comic shops shortly if you preordered through Diamond.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t put out a new Taxonomically Unbound comic in awhile. That’s because I’ve been working like mad to get the Valley of the Silk Sky minicomic done before Emerald City Comic Con at the end of the month.

Speaking of which:

queer science fiction comic valley of the silk sky

It’s at the printer right now being reviewed, so I haven’t approved any proofs yet, but it should be enough time to get this thing turned around for ECCC and HavenCon.

Anyway, I do hope to have more Taxo Unbo soon. I certainly have a backlog of material, just gotta work it into cartoon form. Soon. SOON!



PiQue ends, VoSS begins!

PiQue ends, VoSS begins! published on No Comments on PiQue ends, VoSS begins!

Politically InQueerect Todd hairy chest

Lots of stuff to run through today! This is the last Politically InQueerect post for awhile, but it does feature Todd’s hairy chest, so you can’t say I never gave ya nothin’.

I will obviously babble more about PiQue once the Old Ghosts book is out, but for the foreseeable future my comic energies are bent (har har) towards …

Valley of the Silk Sky p1 bird

Valley of the Silk Sky, which officially debuts today! You have several choices for where to read this series:

  • On the Valley of the Silk Sky website, which is convenient if you’re a Tumblr user. This is also where you’ll go for further VoSS fun like character info, worldbuilding details, publication info, and so forth.
  • I’m also running it on Tapastic for the convenience of people who were already following PiQue over there.
  • And yes, I’m publishing it here on Studio NDR as well.

So! Pick yer favorite, and follow along!



The last of the PiQues, the start of something new

The last of the PiQues, the start of something new published on No Comments on The last of the PiQues, the start of something new

The second half of Politically InQueerect’s storyline “Typical” is now up on Tapastic!

Lookit that old CRT monitor. And the excitement over receiving email rather than a sigh of relief over an empty inbox. How times have changed …

… speaking of changing times, that’s about it for PiQue. I do believe I’ve gone through all the old comics at this point. Next week I expect I’ll do a post of random art and sketches and whatnot, stuff you might not have seen. And then the mantle of “comic I am focusing on” will pass to Valley of the Silk Sky, which debuts next week on Wednesday, January 14. Or on Monday, January 12 for my $1+ Patrons.

Interestingly, Politically InQueerect is 15 years old this month. This first comic I ever did for that series was published on my website back in January 2000. 100 pages of comics in 15 years is not a great showing, truth be told. But VoSS already has 27 pages done or penciled before its release, so I think this one will stick a bit better. :)

Sci-fi/fantasy has always really been where my heart is, and over the years it’s gotten harder and harder for me to feel motivated to write about the real world. Like, why do I want to spend my time living vicariously in a workaday office world when I don’t even want to live that in real life? Ya know?

So I’m off to have queer adventures in made-up worlds. Hopefully you’ll stick around for that, but if not, thanks for reading!



Some PiQue and Taxo Unbo to make you groan

Some PiQue and Taxo Unbo to make you groan published on No Comments on Some PiQue and Taxo Unbo to make you groan

Politically InQueerect Archer

This week’s PiQue update on Tapastic has a whopping four pages.

This is the first half of the first multi-page story I’d ever written for Todd & Archer, back in 2003. It definitely shows some of the weaknesses of a first attempt, but Todd’s arc still strikes me as amusing.

I have to say, they’re both exceptionally loathsome in this story. I don’t blame you if you’re overcome with an impulse to smack them. They unquestionably deserve it.

You are like a gnat to me

You also get a new-old Taxo Unbo this week, another perennial favorite (or is that perineum favorite?). This andropomorphic comic includes a bonus horrible pun in the title.

Yes, it’s been a lot of reruns recently, but new work is barreling your way. Next week’s PiQue will wrap with the second half of “Typical,” Taxo Unbo will be a new stinker, and then the week after THAT, on January 14, Valley of the Silk Sky will debut.

So! Stick around for new work in this, the new year.



PiQue, Taxo Unbo, and VoSS

PiQue, Taxo Unbo, and VoSS published on No Comments on PiQue, Taxo Unbo, and VoSS

Politically InQueerect Archer

Oscar Wilde and Marquess of Queensberry

Misspent Youth


So yeah, I guess I just flat out spaced on updating here? It’s all reruns anyway; I figured it being the holidays basically no one would be paying attention.

NEVERTHELESS, here’s what I’ve posted on Tapastic and Tumblr since last time: Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 5 of 5, Taxonomically Unbound: The Wilde Adventures of Oscar Wilde, and Taxonomically UnBound: Misspent Youth.

A big part of the cause for my distraction (besides the requisite holiday season madness) has been working on getting Valley of the Silk Sky ready for the January 14 debut. That means finishing pages for the buffer (two done so far, about a third of the way through coloring page 3), and making the website usable.

I installed a new theme on the VoSS site that’s more webcomic-friendly, but that does mean I basically have to redo a bunch of the design. So yeah. DISTRACTIONS. And I want to get a little more content up before the comic actually starts. Will that happen? Why knows? Getting pages done is the main priority.

Anyway, sorry for being a rerun-posting flake, but new stuff is headed your way in just over two weeks!



Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5

Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5 published on No Comments on Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5

politically inqueerect todd archer baseball

Another from the archives, as the Johnny Damon reference will attest (he could run really fast, okay?). This comic originally ran as The Outfield #43 on

If you don’t follow baseball at all, the important thing to know here is that baseball fans are stat-obsessed to the point of sometimes drawing meaningless conclusions from the data at hand.

“Jerry” is a reference to Jerry Remy, one of the Red Sox announcers since forever.

Dylan Edwards Patreon

Meanwhile, work progresses on Valley of the Silk Sky, which is set to debut on January 14, 2015. Eight pages penciled, five inked, and one about halfway painted.

Once the series starts it will update regularly on Wednesdays. OR, if you are feeling generous and supportive, you’ll be able to read updates on Mondays over on my Patreon blog by pledging at least a dollar a month. Until then, $1+ pledgers get to see sneak previews of pages in progress.

So! If you can, throw some bones my way and help me keep this webcomic train a-rollin’.



The latest PiQue on Tapastic, and Silk Sky news

The latest PiQue on Tapastic, and Silk Sky news published on No Comments on The latest PiQue on Tapastic, and Silk Sky news

Politically InQueerect Outfield Dee Rand

Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! part 3 of 5 is now up on Tapastic. This comic originally ran as The Outfield #33 back in the day.

We know Todd & Archer get off on conflict, so it’s no big surprise that a core source of contention for them is the ol’ Yankees vs. Red Sox rivalry.

It does beg the question of whether or not Archer chants “Yankees suck” when they’re having sex.

Valley of the Silk Sky Razi pencils

Meanwhile, I’m still plugging away on my brand new webcomic, Valley of the Silk Sky, which is scheduled to start on January 14. I’ve got 8 pages of the first book penciled so far. In order to have some of those pages actually, you know, finished in time for a Jan 14 start, I’ve switched over to inking for a bit.

And, of course, there’s the 16-page Silk Sky short story that will be in Beyond. When does Beyond come out, you might be wondering? And the answer is, I don’t know the actual date yet, but it will be early in 2015.

There’s been a lot of discussion in the queer comics world lately about the dearth of stories available to queer youth that are about something other than coming out angst. Not that works dealing with coming out aren’t important, but maybe fun adventures are also important, ya know?

So my intent with Silk Sky is to keep it in the YA range. That’s part of why it’s getting its own website, but also because it’s such a big world with a lot of characters and environments and creatures and whatnot, it’ll just be easier to digest if it has its own space.

I may redesign said space once more before I officially launch, but anyway, that’s what the deal is with that.



Reamstered PiQue and repriced PiQue

Reamstered PiQue and repriced PiQue published on No Comments on Reamstered PiQue and repriced PiQue

Politically InQueerect Archer Rage

First up, the latest of the remastered Politically InQueerect strips from the archive is now up on Tapastic.

This time around, we find out what happens when Archer tries to unwind. THE ANSWER WILL SURPRISE YOU*.

* (Disclaimer: Answer may not actually surprise you.)


Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Preorder

Turns out the price originally listed for the Old Ghosts print comic was incorrect. It is not $7.99 as previously advertised, but actually merely only $5.99!

Northwest Press has submitted the correction to Diamond. The correction won’t come until after orders for NOV are technically due, but please know that the final list price will in fact be $5.99. If you have further questions, please contact Northwest Press for clarification.



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