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Todd really wants you to pre-order Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts

Todd really wants you to pre-order Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts published on No Comments on Todd really wants you to pre-order Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts

Poltically InQueerect Old Ghosts preorder Todd shirtless

Here’s a little book pre-order graphic I threw together that will hopefully get your attention (and please do look up at the words, if you don’t mind). You can pre-order this book via your favorite local comics shop using Diamond item code NOV141558.

In this all-new tale, Todd joins Archer and his mother on a journey to England to help Archer’s grandmother move. Gran is adamant that her old house is haunted, Archer is adamant that it isn’t. Will Archer’s skepticism lead to his peril, or is Gran amusing herself with a huge wind-up? Includes a selection of choice PiQue strips from the comic’s 14-year run!

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts — 48 pages, $7.99, full color comic book. That Diamond item code again: NOV141558.

politically inqueerect todd

Meanwhile, there’s a freshly remastered version of a classic PiQue strip up now on Tapastic.

This is the third-ever strip I did starring these two, and the last one with the “Young Republicans in Love” moniker.

I think this was the strip where I finally realized that Todd was not a corporate tax lawyer as I’d originally envisioned him. More a law school dropout who switched to a history major.

Archer, meanwhile, whom I’d originally intended as a sweet, innocent little thing, turns out to be neither. Seriously, characters have little to no interest in your plans for them and will just do whatever.



Big PiQue News and new Taxonomically Unbound

Big PiQue News and new Taxonomically Unbound published on No Comments on Big PiQue News and new Taxonomically Unbound

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts final cover

It’s pre-orderin’ time! Yes, indeed, the Northwest Press print edition of Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts is now open for preorder via Diamond Previews. From the NWP blurb:

In this all-new tale, Todd joins Archer and his mother on a journey to England to help Archer’s grandmother move. Gran is adamant that her old house is haunted, Archer is adamant that it isn’t. Will Archer’s skepticism lead to his peril, or is Gran amusing herself with a huge wind-up? Includes a selection of choice PiQue strips from the comic’s 14-year run!

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts — 48 pages, $7.99, full color comic book.
Use Diamond item code NOV141558.

As you may know, pre-orders help enormously with a book’s success, so please ask your comics retailer to reserve a copy for you (or, if you ARE a comics retailer, order a bunch now!).

Taxonomically Unbound gnocchi ghost

And, because the excitement doesn’t end, here’s a new Taxonomically Unbound for ya. You can read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

This one is titled Pasta Point of No Return, and involves EXCITING MATH JOKES. Does the internet have enough math joke comics? I submit to you that it does not.

I have more stuff to talk about, but we can save it for later. But rest assured, MORE NEWS IS IMMINENT.



Reamstered PiQue – Lexus Prey

Reamstered PiQue – Lexus Prey published on No Comments on Reamstered PiQue – Lexus Prey

Politically InQueerect Todd Archer

In this episode of vintage Politically InQueerect, Todd and Archer have a passionate discussion about the proper use of luxury SUVs. This was the fourth PiQue comic I ever drew, and here it is remastered for modern internet speeds and computer monitors. You can also check it out on Tapastic.

Back in the day, Lexus had a website where you could do a virtual custom-build of their current offerings, so I got to design Todd a ridiculous monstrosity of a car. I’m not sure what he’s driving now, but you can be sure he’s swapped out cars a couple of times since.

It IS a little weird to shop for a car, on behalf of a person you made up, that you yourself could never afford.

Anyhow. Check back Friday for a new Taxonomically Unbound!

P.S. – Obligatory Patreon mention. Please note that a Lexus SUV is NOT featured in my funding goals.

PiQue, Hallowzine, Patreon, and Taxonomically Unbound

PiQue, Hallowzine, Patreon, and Taxonomically Unbound published on No Comments on PiQue, Hallowzine, Patreon, and Taxonomically Unbound

Politically InQueerect number 2

Quite a few things to talk about today! First up, I’ve put the original cover for the PiQue #2 minicomic up on Tapastic. When I would take my visibly queer minicomics to shows, I’d always get a few straight dudes who would react as though the comics would turn them gay. This cover was done to taunt those poor chaps.

The story it references may be read in its entirety, starting here.

I also put up a new piece here on Studio NDR, titled Halloween Dance Party. I originally created this for Hallowzine 2014 from

Now, about that Patreon:

Dylan Edwards Patreon

If you enjoy my comics, please consider becoming a regular supporter. It would mean a whole heckuva lot to me, and you can score some neat things: a special blog with sneak previews and works-in-progress, postcards with doodles scribbled on ’em, original comics art, and who knows? Maybe even some fancy paintings if you’re feeling flush.

Taxonomically Unbound

Finally, I’ve instituted a new comic series, more or less on a whim. It already existed in rudimentary form here, but I’m “rebranding” it, if you will, and also creating new content. The idea is to do quick, humorous comics so that not every page I create takes 20 hours.

Anyway, follow along on Tapastic, or here at Studio NDR, whichever. My current plan is to update on Fridays.

Is that everything? I think so! FOR NOW.



PiQue remastered – thus it (re)begins

PiQue remastered – thus it (re)begins published on No Comments on PiQue remastered – thus it (re)begins

Politically InQueerect Todd Archer

I’ve been publishing my comics online since 2000, and a lot of the old web-ready images were optimized for dial-up (yep) and CRT screens. With today’s technology standards, they are unreadably small. One of my current projects is to go back and remaster those comics to make them readable on modern HD screens.

For example: compare the original web version of this comic with the remastered version on Tapastic.

Why am I NOT putting the updated version on Studio NDR? A couple reasons:

1. I’m already having a lot of problems with the site going offline due to bandwidth overloads. So bigger images might make that even worse.

2. The back-end plug-ins I used to make this site are very, very broken (sad face) and updating an extant image is a huge pain in the ass. In order to fix this I will probably need to nuke the site from orbit and start over. In the meantime, I’m not going to tear my hair out updating images when I’ll just have to wipe the slate clean eventually anyway.

I haven’t yet figured out what I want to do regarding this here website, though I think streamlining is in order. In the meantime, enjoy these new squint-free versions of the comics and stay tuned for Some Exciting News™.



Old Ghosts cover art

Old Ghosts cover art published on No Comments on Old Ghosts cover art

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Cover Art

Here’s the cover art for Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts (this is NOT the final layout, mind you; I just slapped the title on there for the benefit of the internet).

You can read the story in full starting here on Tapastic, or go to the archive here on Studio NDR. Even if you’ve already read it through as I’ve been serializing it, perhaps a second time around will reveal to you details you may have missed before … SPOOKY DETAILS??

The composition here is very much an homage to/ripoff of the classic gothic romance novel cover.

More about this cover and what it signifies SOOOOOOON.



Old Ghosts page 36 is impossible to eradicate

Old Ghosts page 36 is impossible to eradicate published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 36 is impossible to eradicate

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Todd

LAST PAGE of Old Ghosts is up! Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Wanna read the whole thing in one go? Start back at the beginning.

The sordid history of this comic: I wrote the first draft of Old Ghosts in 2002, then put it away for awhile to work on other things. In 2006 I revised to script, did a first pass at thumbnailing the story, and started drawing the actual pages. I got as far as drawing and inking pages 1-12, and then dropped everything to work on my book Transposes ( I redid the thumbnails and posted them on my website so people who had been following the story wouldn’t be left hanging.

Various other comics projects came and went. In 2013 I decided, dammit, I am going to finish this damned story, dag dangit. So I picked up penciling on page 13, blasted through the rest of the pages, revising somewhat from the previously-posted thumbnails, and colored everything in between penciling and inking.

And now the whole thing is finished and you can read all of it, and it only took me 12 years to produce this 36-page story. To be fair, I did do over 300 pages of other comics in that time, but yeah. Sometimes a story just takes awhile to get did.

Anyway, thanks for reading.



Old Ghosts page 35 waits silently for the next hapless victim

Old Ghosts page 35 waits silently for the next hapless victim published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 35 waits silently for the next hapless victim

politically inqueerect old ghosts gran

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 35 is up! The penultimate page, replete with a penumbra of preternatural politeness.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

Notes: There are a surprising number of thatch-roofed cottages around the UK, though they are apparently an insurance nightmare due to the roofing material. Gosh, I wonder why. Perhaps this place is haunted by the ghost of an insurance agent?




Old Ghosts page 34 lurks in a box in a disused corner

Old Ghosts page 34 lurks in a box in a disused corner published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 34 lurks in a box in a disused corner

politically inqueerect old ghosts archer gran

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 34 is up! Gran gets moved into her new digs, about whose supernatural denizens she has Opinions. Meanwhile, the old abode is featured on the news, and there are some mysterious goings on.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

In other news, don’t forget that in just over a week I’ll be part of a reading at BGSQD in New York! Click the link for address and specifics and whatnot (Oct. 10 at 7:00 PM, by the way). I haven’t had a chance to do a whole lot of book promo on the east coast, so if you’re in that region please do stop by.



Old Ghosts page 33 is running rampant

Old Ghosts page 33 is running rampant published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 33 is running rampant

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts superstitious builders

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 33 is up! And it seems SOMEthing’s got loose in the house, at any rate?

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

In other news, have I mentioned I’ll be doing a reading in New York in a couple of weeks? Well, I will! Details hither. It’s on October 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, over at the Bureau of General Services–Queer Division @ The Center (BGSQD) 208 West 13th Street, Room 210, New York, NY, 10011.

Head out to see me and several other queer comics people read from our work. And tell yer dang friends!



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