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2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review published on

Without writing a whole book about it, 2023 was an extremely difficult year for me. Started the year with one type of debilitating pain, traded it for another, and landed myself in physical therapy for four months due to an injury to my drawing arm. So, while I don’t always put together a Year in Review post, I wanted to do one this year to prove to myself that I did manage to accomplish some things despite the onslaught of physical problems:

• 12 comics for 12 issues of OUT FRONT Magazine
• approx 180 postcards sent to Patreon supporters
• 5 new sticker designs
• several art shows at Spectra Art Space including Spooky Art, TDOR popup, and Tiny Art (in addition to the merch of mine that they carry year round, mostly stickers, pins, and buttons)
• a new Feeping Creatures micro zine, and a zine of my adventures at a metal show in Japan (which I have not yet added to my online store, it’s currently sitting on my desk waiting for me to get to it)
• participated in a panel discussion for an Estonian queer film festival for their showing of the queer comics documentary No Straight Lines
• speaking of No Straight Lines, when I was originally interviewed back in 2017(?) I had NO CLUE it would be shown on PBS, but in fact it streamed there for several months
• made a soft return to comic shows; while I’m still not inclined to travel much, Denver Zine Fest, DeCAF, Queer Author Expo, and First Friday at Danny the Comic Shop all saw my (masked) face [and you can now get my comics and zines at Danny the Comic Shop, so swing by and support ‘em!]

In the end, that’s not too shabby for a year in which I was physically out of commission for a good 6 months and could barely work. I’m in a better place pain-wise, if not fully back to where I was before. Hopefully 2024 will see continued improvements, and a lot more art!

Also, in the event that you’re wondering where most of my social media activity is happening these days, I’ve taken to shitposting in my Instagram stories for whatever reason. Who knows how long that will continue to amuse me, but for now, I’m most active on IG.



New Taxonomically Unbound, and art show news

New Taxonomically Unbound, and art show news published on
Taxonomically UnBound - Paradigms

Yes indeed, I have a new Taxo Unbo with which to torment you, and it may be found in these places:

And Meow This

Speaking of punnery, that there is the title of the all-cat art show I’m in, and it opens this very weekend. My pieces in this show come from the Feeping Creatures side of my artistic output, so expect monsters and cuteness.

Come to Spectra Art Space at 7 PM on Saturday, February 9 to party at the opening reception and revel in the feline art.

Spectra is located at 1836 South Broadway in Denver, CO. Come to the thing!

Tiny Art Big Ideas opens tonight

Tiny Art Big Ideas opens tonight published on

Feeping Creatures monster art by Dylan Edwards

Now that the chaos of SDCC is done, it’s time to move on to the next chaos: the Tiny Art Big Ideas show here in Denver, hosted by Spectra Art Space.

The concept for the show is simple: dozens of artists have submitted hundreds of works, all of which are 6 in x 6 in x 6in or smaller. Hence Tiny Art!

My work for this show mostly focuses on the Feeping Creatures side of my creative endeavors, so look for wee monsters in the form of sculptures, drawings, and enamel pins.

The opening reception for the show is tonight, July 27, at 7:00 PM. You should come to that if you can. If not, the show will be up for the next month, so you still have plenty of time to look at all the itty bitty arts.



“Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space

“Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space published on No Comments on “Prelude” art show at Spectra Art Space

Prelude art show at Spectra Art Space

Spectra Art Space here in Denver, Colorado is hosting a comic-themed show, and I’ve got some stuff in it!

The opening reception is June 23 from 7:00 PM – 12:00 AM, and it is, like, totally free, omg. There will be live music, there will be refreshments, and there will be art for sale! Oh yes indeedy. RSVP with Spectra.

I’ve included some brand new Valley of the Silk Sky art in the show, stuff what no one else has seen (well, no one apart from my Patrons, that is).

The show will be up for the next month, so even if you can’t make it to the reception you should swing by!



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