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Hey, I have a Patreon page!

Hey, I have a Patreon page! published on No Comments on Hey, I have a Patreon page!

Dylan Edwards Patreon

So yeah, I have finally launched my Patreon page!

A lot of my artist friends are already familiar with Patreon, but possibly those of you in other fields want to know what all this is about. Basically, you pledge some dollar amount per month to support my past and ongoing comics work, and in exchange you get Neat Stuff from me. That can be anything from access to a Super Secret Work-in-Progress Blog (first post is already up, by the way!) to all sorts of original art.

This support helps me focus more of my efforts on creating new comics for your enjoyment, and allows me to publish them online for everyone to read. It also helps me continue offering free reprints of my work to marginalized and underfunded groups (for instance, I almost never charge non-profit queer/trans advocacy groups for reprinting my comics).

So! Lend some support if you can and Get Neat Stuff!



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