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Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 12 concludes as page 114 sneaks up on us

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 12 concludes as page 114 sneaks up on us published on

How the heck did we get to the end of the chapter already? And yet, here we are:

Chapter 13 is in the works, but it’s early days. I had to design a new environment which required researching some Things, and then figuring out how to retrofit those Things to the technology available to the fine folks in the Valley.

All for an element in the background that is unlikely to garner much notice, ha ha. BUT IT WILL BE A FUNCTIONAL BACKGROUND THING, OKAY.

Anyhow, thumbnailing has commenced. As per usual, I’ll be posting work-in-progress stuff for my $1+ Patrons, so if you want to follow along, a single dollar a month is all it takes.



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 113 wants to peek at your bookshelf

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 113 wants to peek at your bookshelf published on

See what you can learn by skimming the titles:

Fun fact: my model for Mx. Skeleton is a plastic, glow-in-the-dark Halloween decoration I have lying around.

With the right kind of fungus growing on it, the skeleton in this comic could also be glow-in-the-dark. The possibilities are endless!

Check back next week to find out what else might be happening in the dark …



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 112 has been unsealed

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 112 has been unsealed published on

MEANWHILE … let’s see how things are going with Chadsen, shall we? Discover the secrets here:

If you need a refresher on where Chadsen is and what xe’s been up to, point your eyeballs to Chapter 9.

Anyhow, it’s probably fine, nothing to worry about, really.

Check back next week to find out how really, truly fine and not worrisome it all is.



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 111 is lurking in the underbrush

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 111 is lurking in the underbrush published on

And it is springing out at you from these locations:

I don’t know how well it shows up at web resolution size, but if you can’t tell, Ujo’s face in panel 2 is that of a big dork who cries about cute animals.

Perhaps somewhat less apt to cry about the animals in panel 3. Tyv may cry about those, actually, but not for the same reason. (Xe is really not the sort of person who likes hanging out in nature all that much.)

Check back next week to find out what else is hiding in the shadows …



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 110 is comin’ round the mountain

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 110 is comin’ round the mountain published on

Let us see what appears in the distance:

This was my go-to page for posting work-in-progress images for my $1+ Patrons (you can find those posts herehere, and here). So if you enjoy that kind of thing and can spare a dollar a month, consider becoming a Patron!

If you’re thinking that landscape looks kinda familiar but you’re not sure why, you may wish to review Chapter 9. Could be relevant, I dunno ….



The Long Run page 109 puts foot in mouth while lending a hand

The Long Run page 109 puts foot in mouth while lending a hand published on
Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi fantasy comic

And now we meet New Character #2: folks, please welcome Ujo to the comic. Observe xer debut here:

“Ujo” means “bashful,” which can either mean “shy” or “handy with a sledgehammer,” depending on the circumstances.

Were these two to have fursonas, Ujo would be a capybara, while Tyv would be an entire bag of raccoons.

What wacky adventures shall ensue? Check back next week as Chapter 12 continues!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 108 has been spotted

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 108 has been spotted published on

See if you can find it at one of these locations:

If you desire a refresher re: what the heck is going on here, please turn your attention to Chapter 7.

Something Tyv knows that perhaps you the reader might not (because it’s not SUPER important to the narrative, just a bit of background detail) is that Bantri’s big skill is disguise. Within Cobb’s crew, that largely amounted to pretending to be a traveling merchant (or, rather, several different traveling merchants, busting out a new costume as circumstances warranted).

Anyhow, the saga continues next week!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 107 has secured the goods

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 107 has secured the goods published on
Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Check out the loot:

This chapter introduces some new characters, of whomst you shall glimpse one here.  Tyv is something of a famous burglar, well-known across the Valley for deploying a dramatic flair when xe steals stuff. Hence the fan club of Bad Kids intent on making off with xer wanted poster as a souvenir.

Regarding one of the other posters in the background, imploring people to halt the spread of sweetberry bush, I just wanna say this was written pre-pandemic and is mere thematic coincidence. I’d already figured the Valley would have issues with people complying (sweetberry bush spreads because the berries are tasty, and if you’re hungry, what are you gonna do), but actually stropping the spread for real would require coordinated governmental action and can’t be left to individuals to stop. Didn’t expect that to be quite so on the nose, but here we are.

ANYWAY. The chapter continues next week!



Valley of the Silk Sky returns! Chapter 12 commences now

Valley of the Silk Sky returns! Chapter 12 commences now published on

Yes indeed, it is time for the newest installment of my queer YA sci-fi/fantasy webcomic, Valley of the Silk Sky. You can now read page 106 at any one of these fine locations:

“But Dylan, that’s so many options. How do I know which one to choose?”

Well, I’ll tell you. Read it here if that’s what you’re used to and it works for you.

Read it on the VotSS website if you like additional material like appendices, character pages, concept art, and all that jazz.

Read it on Tumblr if you are still on Tumblr and want it to show up in your dash without you having to remember to do anything.

Read it on Patreon if you would like early access to pages by becoming my Patron for a mere one dollar a month; or you can choose to follow my Patreon for free and get notifications of when new pages get posted to the general public. Early access subscribers get pages on Mondays, then they go public on Thursdays.

“But Dylan, you’ve been working on this comic for years now and I forgot what happened three chapters ago. How can I get caught up?”

Simple! You can:

1. Read the story so far online 

2. Read offline via print volumes or digital collections 

Right? Right. See you next week for the continuation of Chapter 12!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 11 concludes! Plus more ways to support yer queer comics creator

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 11 concludes! Plus more ways to support yer queer comics creator published on

Page 105 marks the finale of chapter 11, and you can find it here:

For those of you who like to wait until a chapter is complete to dig in, you can find the whole of Chapter 11 here.

So, what’s next, you ask? I am even now working on Chapter 12: the whole thing is thumbnailed, and I’ve got the first page penciled. 

Whilst we wait for me to get the rest of it penciled, inked, colored, scanned, and lettered, I’ll be running some concept art, character design, and work-in-progress posts for $1+ Patrons. If you want in on that, hit up my Patreon.

TCAF canceled

As far as my convention schedule goes, TCAF has now officially canceled their 2020 festival. Other emails coming in indicate other shows are still weighing how they want to proceed: postponement? full cancellation?

Again, conventions account for about half my income, so this is grim news on the financial front. If you’d like to help support my work during these trying times, here are some options:


My friend Olivia Wylie put together an IndieGoGo campaign to help out Colorado creatives during these rough times. Backing the campaign gets you books, art, and other swag, so chip in if you can!

Buy some stuff

Buy some books :

My Feeping Creatures monster art is here:


You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thanks for reading! Back to working on Chapter 12 for me.



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