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Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 104, and a note about convention appearances

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 104, and a note about convention appearances published on

Greet this new page, won’t you:

So, regarding conventions:

An event I was supposed to table at this weekend was just canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. I think they made the correct decision, but it does represent a financial hit for me that I have no way to recoup.

I strongly suspect this is only the first of many event cancellations to come (and, again, I think cancelling is probably the right move). For the moment I’m not updating my Appearances page because so much is in flux.

I make about half my income from conventions, so right at this moment I’m staring down a pretty disastrous year. If you’ve considered buying books (Gumroad sales get the money to me the fastest) or monster merch from me, now is a great time to do so.

You can find a list of my books here :

Monsters are here:

You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thank you, and please feel free to share these links with anyone you think might be interested!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 103 has some choice words for you

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 103 has some choice words for you published on

Here, have some words:

Quick reminder that “wis” is a contraction for “who is” or, more specifically, “who is good at [being a],” and that a typical Pocali name construction would be [UNIQUE PERSONAL NAME] wis [PRIMARY SKILL]. If you want more detail, this appendix post on the VotSS website has the deets.

If you are a nerd for background details, you can find out Cobb’s primary skill (at least, as assigned by the relevant authorities) at the bottom right of the last panel on page 8. It’s not an assignment Cobb has made any particular effort to contest.

In other news, I’ve begun thumbnailing chapter 12, oh yes. It took a bit longer than I’d expected to get to the thumbnailing stage, even though the script has been pretty much ready to go for a few weeks. There are some new environments, y’see, and a couple of characters I needed to find out more about [what do you look like? what brings you to this story?], so I’ve been busy concept-arting.

And, sure enough, getting to know the characters a bit more changed the script somewhat. Now that I had a better idea of who A and B were, I could see the places where the original dialogue was no longer appropriate. I also wound up having to add a couple of pages to the chapter past what I’d originally intended.

But! Thumbnailing is now, which means pencils are soon.

And Chapter 11 continues next week regardless. See you then!



The Long Run page 102 is cracking up; also, some Feep stuff

The Long Run page 102 is cracking up; also, some Feep stuff published on

How are things going with Hali and that egg, anyway? Let’s learn:

That Patreon post includes a short discussion of how an apothecarist’s egg works, if you yearn for such knowledge.

Speaking of weird creatures (weren’t we?), I added some new tiny art to the Feeping Creatures Etsy Shop. Behold:

Do you need a bear, or perhaps a bat, for your mantelpiece? Well, now you know where to go!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 101 is a ton of fun on a bun

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 101 is a ton of fun on a bun published on

I mean it, really! Just take a look here:

I talk about some of the thought process behind this page over my my Patreon, should such a thing be of interest to you.

TL;DR, characters are squirrelly creatures, and often the only way I can pin them down is by drawing them and actually seeing with my own eyes what they’re all about.

Speaking of which, I was going to work on the thumbnails for chapter 12, but it has two new characters in it, and I had to figure out what they looked like. The act of drawing them caused me to learn a bunch of stuff about them that changed aspects of the script, so it’s a good thing I didn’t thumbnail yet, y’see?

ANYWAY. See you next week for more of Chapter 11!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run turns 100 pages old!

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run turns 100 pages old! published on

We’ve now crossed into the triple digits, officially making this the longest single comics project I’ve ever done. It’s true! And now, the page, for your reading pleasure, is here:

In other news, I was able to snag a table at Flame Con, so I will definitely be heading to NYC later this year. Perhaps I should go update my events page at long last, huh.

EDIT: Updated my 2020 convention schedule with all confirmations I’ve received to date. There are more pending, but these are the known quantities at this point!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 99 is feeling tetchy

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 99 is feeling tetchy published on

The latest installment Chapter 11 seeks your indulgence. Grant it here:

That there Patreon post, by the way, has a short little world-building snippet regarding certain cosmetic products one might find in the Valley, should you be curious about such things.

Eventually I’d like to do a whole Appendix post about cosmetics and beauty products in the Valley, though it’s going to be a little bit of awhile before that happens. Just know it’s a thing I think about!

Also, I need to update my convention calendar for 2020, a task which is not particularly difficult, just never *quite* my top priority. I do really have shows coming up this year, though. I swaer.

Anyhow. Until next week!


The Long Run page 98 is ready …

The Long Run page 98 is ready … published on

… Ready for what, though? To find out, choose one of the following locations for reading this newest of pages:

If you happen to be a nerd who likes world-building natterings about dialect, that there Patreon post has the goods.

Who knows what challenges page 99 shall bring? Check back next week to find out.



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run – page 97 emerges

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run – page 97 emerges published on

Ah yes indeed, page 97 is here, and it is aquiver with consternation. Read it, if you dare:

If you missed any previous updates, you can read all the pages posted so far in Chapter 11 at this very link. (There’s only one other page so far, so you don’t have a lot of homework to do.)

If you’re needing even more of a refresher than that, might I suggest hitting The Valley of the Silk Sky landing page to start at the beginning or to choose a chapter at will.

That’s it for now. See you next week!



“Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run” chapter 11 begins!

“Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run” chapter 11 begins! published on
Valley of the Silk Sky - Hali

Yes indeed, page 96 is now ready to be placed inside your eyeballs. Read it in one of these fine locations:

If you can’t remember what the heck was going on with this story and would like to have a refresher, you can read all the pages so far (or choose a specific chapter) either here on Studio NDR or here on the Valley of the Silk Sky website.

If you prefer offline reading and would like a book collection, there are both digital and print volumes available, about which ye may learn more here.

For what it’s worth, I plan to update the VotSS website first with new pages, and then update here on Studio NDR when I get to it. So if you are desperate to read new pages at the earliest possible moment, bear that in mind. (And if you really, REALLY want to read at the earliest possible moment, might I remind you that $1+ Patrons get access to new pages three days earlier than the internet at large. Cough, ahem, just so you know.)

Okay? Okay! See you again next week for MORE COMICS.

New Taxo Unbo and some general updates

New Taxo Unbo and some general updates published on

Taxonomically Unbound: If a chicken is reinventing how poultry vocalize, is it thinking outside the boks

Yes indeed, the latest in Taxonomically Unbound punnery may be found here:

Meanwhile, I’ve been working away on the new Valley of the Silk Sky website, which is still not ready for your eyeballs, but it is definitely starting to take shape. Turns out I’ve created a fair amount of content for this series, and it’s gonna take awhile to get it all put in place.

Speaking of Valley of the Silk Sky, if you’ve been wanting to get the digital edition from ComiXology but have been holding off for whatever reason, it might interest you to learn that it’s on sale for 50% off at the moment. You can grab both collections here:

The Long Run: Part One
The Long Run: Part Two



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