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Valley of the Silk Sky page 65 is up!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 65 is up! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 65 is up!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi

The latest installment of VotSS chapter 7 is now on-line for yer viewing pleasure:

Let’s just say next laundry day is gonna be a doozy.


I’m in the process of putting together QAT Person #2, which collects more of my autobio comics into minicomic form. You can still buy QAT Person #1 from me online, or come find me at a convention.

My plan is to have QAT Person #2 ready for Emerald City Comic Con in March.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 begins!

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 begins! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 7 begins!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer sci-fi webcomic

The hiatus is over – now let’s find out just what the heck went down at the waystation. Read page 64 here:

Seeing as it’s been, cough, six months since the last VotSS installment, now might be a good time to rattle the ol’ cup. Valley of the Silk Sky is a project I undertake in my free time, and my free time is determined by how much other work I have to take on to make ends meet.

If you enjoy VotSS and want to help fund its creation, you can always become one of my Patrons. By making a regular pledge, you get early access to pages, special secret info, work-in-progress posts, and all that good stuff. At just $5 a month you get art in the mail, so dang. You know.

If a one-time donation is more your thing, you can always drop me a couple bucks via PayPal. Send however much you want to

And if you don’t have $$ but want to lend support, the best thing you can do is share VotSS with your friends. The more the merrier!



Valley of the Silk Sky: Year 2

Valley of the Silk Sky: Year 2 published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky: Year 2

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA science fiction comic

Okay, so technically I’m posting this a month early. VoSS’s birthday is January 14.

BUT! Chapter 7 is going to start running next month, so I wanted to have a little something to tide you over until then. Hence this ridiculous Year 2 graphic. You can view it at any of these fine locations:

This drawing was at least partially an excuse to play with some new art supplies I picked up, so it’s colored differently from my usual marker + gouache. The figures are colored with a combination of watercolor pencil and various writing inks. The background is digital, mostly because this was drawn on scrap paper and I didn’t have space for a proper background.

Anyhow, I’m busy coloring Chapter 7 right now, so you will be putting that into your eyeballs very soon.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete!

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 is complete!

Queer YA sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Page 63 is up, and that’s a wrap on chapter 6! Read the SHOCKING CONCLUSION here:

If you want to read the whole thing from the start, or to pick a specific chapter head, might I recommend this link: Start Here: Table of Contents

So, what next, you ask.

Right now I’m in the midst of working on a different comics project, and it’s going to keep me busy through most of the rest of the summer. That means I don’t expect to be able to start running chapter 7 until the fall.

If you don’t feel like waiting that long to see what I’ve been working on, a mere one dollar a month over at my Patreon will get you access to my work-in-progress blog. Your dollars are immensely helpful in making it possible for me to keep doing this comics thing.

I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con in July once again. Got a couple of panels lined up, but they have not been officially announced yet, so I am not supposed to tell you when just yet. BUT! Stay tuned for further news.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest

Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 62, and Denver Zine Fest

lgbtqia sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

New page of VotSS is up, and it may contain SHOREFADOWING. It may be read at any of these fine locations:

If you came to Denver Comic Con or Denver Pride this past weekend and stopped by either booth I was at, thank you! I’m not sure I’m gonna double-book like that again, at least not when it’s 100 degrees out. But it was good to talk to the folks who came buy, and both shows went well!

Next up is Denver Zine Fest, which is this Saturday, June 25. Click through that link for hours and location. It’s FREE admission, so you have none excuse. ZERO OF EXCUSES.

Also! I will reveal more about this later on, but I just signed a contract to work on a short autobio comic. This is going to mean a delay in running Chapter 7 of Valley of the Silk Sky, but it’ll be worth it, I promise.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride

Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 61, Denver Comic Con, and Denver Pride

Valley of the Silk Sky queer sci-fi webcomic

VotSS page 61 is up, and it features SARDONIC HAIR FLIPS OF DOOM. Read here:

Just in case you’re curious: while Chadsen is not biologically related to Beneke and Amihan, xe was fostered by them as a teen, so there’s more than a little parent/child dynamic to their relationship.

Oh, also I was interviewed for Asexual Artists. Read my ramblings here.

So anyway! I’m doing TWO shows this weekend, on account of I am bananas.

I’ll be at Denver Comic Con this weekend (June 17-19, 2016) AND Denver Pride (June 18-19).

My current plan is to be at Pride in the mornings (before the weather gets too gross, ha ha), and to retreat to the air conditioned Colorado Convention Center for the afternoons.

At DCC you can find me at the Northwest Press booth AA25.

At Pride I’ll be with the Out in Colorado booth J25-26.




Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 60, CAKE, and Beyond!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer ya sci-fi comic

First up, if you’re a giant nerd and want to read all about my linguistic choices for Valley of the Silk Sky, I answered an ask on Tumblr about that very subject.

Valley of the Silk Sky page 60 is up, and it features THRILLING DISCUSSIONS of GRANT MONEY ALLOCATION. Witness the shocking revelations here:

Speaking of shocking revelations that are VoSS-related, the Beyond Anthology won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Fiction Anthology! Full list of winners is here. This comes shortly after Beyond was placed on the James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award Honor List, so it’s been a good couple weeks for queer SFF comics!

Should you be thinking to yourself, gosh, I sure would like to BUY some queer comics, WELL. I just updated my publications list with hot, fresh links for where to purchase said titles.

Also, speaking of buying books (I’m all about the segues today). I will not be at CAKE myself, but you can find a selection of my comics at Table 6 with Ed Luce/Wuvable Oaf. So if you’re in Chicago and want some queer comics, head on over there.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 59

Valley of the Silk Sky page 59 published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 59

Valley of the Silk Sky lgbtqia YA sci-fi comic

Page 59 of Valley of the Silk Sky is up, and it contains SARCASM. Witness the atrocity here:

If you read my story in the Beyond Anthology, you will no doubt recognize Beneke and Amihan and their Lab of Much Science.

WisCon went really, really well! I’m super happy about it and will definitely be making plans to attend next year.

Next up is Denver Comic Con and Denver Pride (both the same weekend! Ha ha!), and then Denver Zine Fest the weekend after that. You can find all the details on my Appearances page, but I’ll give some further particulars as the dates approach.

But yes, I’m splitting my time between Denver Comic Con and Denver Pride. Not sure yet which specific hours and days I’ll be where, but once it’s sorted I’ll post about it.


Until next week,


Valley of the Silk Sky page 58, and WisCon

Valley of the Silk Sky page 58, and WisCon published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 58, and WisCon

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi comic

Valley of the Silk Sky page 58 is up, and it’s got you covered for weird plants and weird architecture. Observe:

I’m experimenting with a new way of saving large image files, so this page SHOULD load much faster than previous pages. The question now is whether I go back and re-save and re-upload ALLLLLL previous 57 pages. Hah. Heh. Oh my.

But it ain’t gonna happen this week because WisCon!

Yes, indeed, I am vending and paneling in Madison, WI this long weekend, Friday through Monday. I believe this is my first midwest show, as it happens. So yeah, if you’re in the area you should swing by. I will have loads of queer comics to sell you, and a selection of Feeping Creatures itemries for your monster purchasing needs.

My panels are as follows:

Friday, May 27
9:00 PM – 10:15 PM
“Women and Trans/Non-binary people” : The Pitfalls of Haphazard Gender Inclusion

Saturday, May 28
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Trans Narratives: Pitiful and/or Powerful? [moderator]

Saturday, May 28
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Diverse Creators, Not Just Diverse Products

Sunday, May 29
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Not Another Trans Panel

Sunday, May 29
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Asexual Lives

Hope to see you there!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 57

Valley of the Silk Sky page 57 published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 57

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi comic

Here I am, dragging my con-crud riddled body out of bed to update my webcomic. Read it here:

If you’re burning to know why Chadsen refers to Bors as “Skunk,” or why the customs officer has pierced ears but no earrings, these nerdy details and others like them are a bonus feature of my Patreon updates. A mere one dollar a month grants you access!

Thank you to everyone who dropped by the table at TCAF, or who came to the Queer Sci-Fi and Fantasy panel! If you were pondering picking up a print copy of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One but didn’t do it, Glad Day Bookshop may have it in stock. Go pester ’em for it!

Otherwise, you can snag it at this here link:

Valley of the Silk Sky Part One PRINT BOOK

Next up: WisCon! Further details on that next week.



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