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VoSS page 56, and TCAF!

VoSS page 56, and TCAF! published on No Comments on VoSS page 56, and TCAF!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Valley of the Silk Sky page 56 is up! Read it here:


Speaking of passports, I am headed to Canada this weekend for TCAF! If you’re in Toronto and you like comics, you should definitely come to this thing. Attendance is FREE. Really, you have no excuse.

I’ll be tabling with Northwest Press, of course, and I’ll also be on a panel:

Queer Science Fiction and Fantasy
Marriot Ballroom
Sunday, May 15
1:30 PM

Moderated by Melanie Gillman, with Jeremy Sorese, Taneka Stotts, Gisele Jobateh, Megan Rose Gedris, Dylan Edwards, and Andrew Wheeler!

Also, I’ll have copies of the new print book edition of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One. Grab one at the show, or if you can’t make it, buy online from my Gumroad store:

Valley of the Silk Sky PRINT BOOK

Right? Right! And now, off to do the nine million things I gotta finish before I leave.



Valley of the Silk Sky part 1 print book, okay?

Valley of the Silk Sky part 1 print book, okay? published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky part 1 print book, okay?

Valley of the Silk Sky The Long Run Part One

I know I said I wasn’t going to do this, but I LIED. I have made a POD print book of Valley of the Silk Sky part 1.

Mostly I made this to take to conventions, and it is NOT the final print incarnation (I still plan to have a single-volume offset print book published in a couple of years).

But if you like supporting indie artists (me!) and want to snag one of these objects, that you may hold it in your hands and loan it to your friends who don’t know what an “internet” is, you may do so here.

Valley of the Silk Sky PRINT BOOK

You can, of course, still get the digital edition as well, if that’s more to your liking:

Valley of the Silk Sky Part One PDF



Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny

Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny

Valley of the Silk Sky lgbtqia YA webcomic

Valley of the Silk Sky page 55 is up, and up, and up:

(If you’re afraid of heights, it is not recommended that you sit by the window.)

What else is coming up? Why, Free Comic Book Day at Mutiny Information Cafe, of course.

I will be there all afternoon selling comics and other doodads, and will have free bookmarks to give away. In the evening we’ll be doing comix readings, so stick around for EVEN MORE FREE FUN, yes? So many free funs. But also buy some comics, please. Thank you.

What else. Oh! Hey! Right.

WisCon programming has been officially announced. I am on Five (FIVE)(5) panels:

Friday, May 27
9:00 PM – 10:15 PM
“Women and Trans/Non-binary people” : The Pitfalls of Haphazard Gender Inclusion

Saturday, May 28
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Trans Narratives: Pitiful and/or Powerful? [moderator]

Saturday, May 28
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Diverse Creators, Not Just Diverse Products

Sunday, May 29
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Not Another Trans Panel

Sunday, May 29
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Asexual Lives

Lor, but that’s a lotta panels. So! Please come to all of them.

Sandwiched between those two shows is good ol’ TCAF, but I’ll post more about that next week. UNTIL THEN.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 54 is up

Valley of the Silk Sky page 54 is up published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 54 is up

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi comic

VotSS page 54 is here, and it features a Very Large Elevator Indeed. Read it here:

Also, someone’s Precious BB Fluffykins.

Speaking of which … okay, not actually really, but ANYWAY. I mentioned previously that I was going to make a POD print book of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One, and lo I have done this thing.

Right at this moment I’m hoarding them for my May shows, of which there are three:

May 7: Free Comic Book Day at Mutiny Comics in Denver
May 14-15: Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) with Northwest Press
May 27-30: WisCon in Madison, WI

If I have any left after all that I will make them available for sale online in some fashion. If I DON’T have any left after all that, I’ll get ’em reprinted. So it WILL happen, it’s just a matter of when.

If you are ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE to have one RIGHT NOW, I’d suggest going to one of those shows, or tackling someone who is going to one of those shows and thrusting $15 into their hands.

Anyhow. Tune in next week to find out where this giant elevator takes us.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 commences, and what’s this KGNU interview?

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 commences, and what’s this KGNU interview? published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 commences, and what’s this KGNU interview?

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi webcomic

At long last, Valley of the Silk Sky has returned from hiatus, and we can now step gingerly into Part Two. Thus do I present unto you the start of chapter 6 on page 53:

One of the things that became clear to me at Emerald City Comic Con (which was awesome, by the way) is that I need to upgrade the version of VoSS I sell in person at shows. The minicomic for chapters 1&2 was put together when that’s all I had done, and it was fine for awhile, but now it doesn’t feel substantial enough.

So, to that end, I’ve put together a POD edition of the whole of Part One. It’s at the printers now, hopefully to be delivered in time for TCAF and WisCon next month. I hope it doesn’t look like trash! In order to get the job done as quickly as possible I had to skip getting a print proof. I’m a little nervous about this. Ha ha. Hopefully it’ll ALL BE FINE.

Anyway. So! KGNU interview! Melanie Gillman and I were recently invited to talk about queer comics for Denver/Boulder radio listeners, and that interview is now up on the web for everyone everywhere to enjoy. Lend it your earbones, won’t ya.

Last item: shows! The big ones up next are, as I mentioned previously, TCAF and WisCon. I have two local events before that:

Zines and Cereal, which is tomorrow (April 21) at the Europa Coffee house, 76 S Pennsylvania St, Denver, from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. You will find me there, selling my comics and minis.

Also, I’ll be doing a Free Comic Book Day event on May 7 at Mutiny Comics here in Denver. More details on that as they solidify. Hopefully, fingers crossed, I’ll have the new Valley of the Silk Sky book available for that one.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 will begin next week

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 will begin next week published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 6 will begin next week

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA science fiction comic

Part Two will commence with Chapter 6 on April 20! In the meantime, Here’s a public Patreon post with some bonus art of Hali.

Should you need to get caught up on the story but don’t want to wade through webcomic archives, don’t forget you can download a digital edition of Part One either from Gumroad or ComiXology.

Also, if you’ve been hoping to snag a print copy of the Beyond Anthology, now’s your chance! A limited number have been made available in their online store, so get ’em while you can.

I still have a handful of copies I’ll be selling at WisCon and other upcoming shows, but I don’t expect they’ll last very long. DO NOT DELAY, friends!

Anyhow, see ya next week!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part One

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part One published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part One

Valley of the Silk Sky The Long Run Part One

Oh, hey, look at that! The PDF for Part One of Valley of the Silk Sky is available on Gumroad right this very now!

Buy Valley of the Silk Sky PDF

This collects chapters 1-5, and features hi-res images of the art so you can zoom in and see all the little details you missed. Or, if you are one of the many people who doesn’t like reading comics online, you can now read offline. EXCITEMENT.

Your $$ helps support me in making Valley of the Silk Sky. So yeah, get yerself a big ol’ wad of queer sci-fi comics, and cause there to be EVEN MORE queer sci-fi comics!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 52 closes out Chapter 5, and Part One

Valley of the Silk Sky page 52 closes out Chapter 5, and Part One published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 52 closes out Chapter 5, and Part One

lgbtqia YA sci-fi comic Valley of the Silk Sky

Page 52 is up, and it is pretty darn gay! Observe the gayness:

And with that, Chapter 5 is done, and Part One is complete.

NOW WHAT, you wonder.

Valley of the Silk Sky queer nonbinary YA sci-fi comic

Next up, I’ll be releasing a digital edition of Part One so you can read it offline. If you are one of my Patrons, this eBook PDF version will be made available for you to download later this week. Otherwise, I’ll have it up for sale on Gumroad for $5.99. (Official release date is March 2.)

The book has also been accepted by ComiXology for their Submit program. So if you’re a ComiXology user, you will be able to buy a Guided View edition of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One, also for $5.99.

I’ll go into the details of the benefits of the eBook edition once it’s available for your purchasing pleasure. TL;DR: the art looks nicer and your $$ helps me keep doing this comics thing.

Okay, yes, but what about Chapter 6? What of Part Two, you ask?

Chapter 6 is in progress right now, though it’s not nearly as far along as I wanted it to be. Unfortunately, personal life stuff intervened (and by “personal life stuff,” I actually mean, “flying out of town twice to two different states in less than a month to visit relatives in hospice”). So it’s one of those situations where there was nothing much to do about it but accept that there was going to be a big delay.

So but I’m penciling now, and am hoping maybe to get Chapter 6 up and running by April. In the interim, I’ll be posting a lot of work-in-progress stuff to my Patreon for $1+ subscribers, and there’s a couple more world-building posts in the pipeline that I’ll be putting up on the Valley of the Silk Sky website.

Anyhow. Check back next week for an announcement about the PDF book!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 51 is up

Valley of the Silk Sky page 51 is up published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 51 is up

Queer YA monster enby webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Life is being really chaotic right now, and I’ll be traveling on my usual update day, so I’m putting up page 51 here on Studio NDR a day early.

It’s scheduled to auto-post on Tapastic and Tumblr at the usual times (ear-lie in the morning), so if you follow VoSS updates there, check back Wednesday morning.

The good news is that the eBook for Valley of the Silk Sky Part One is basically finished, just needs a couple of minor tweaks. Which I will get to when I’m not once again out of town for unplanned emergencies. I’m still hoping to have that ready for download before the end of February.

Anyway. Yeah. Stuff and things.

Until next week,


Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 5 commences, Feeping Creatures sale closes

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 5 commences, Feeping Creatures sale closes published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 5 commences, Feeping Creatures sale closes

lgbtqia SFF comic Valley of the Silk Sky

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 5 commences! Yeah, where ARE Hali’s quadmates? Let us find out:

pee ess – your periodic reminder that all characters use nonbinary xe/xer pronouns.

In other VoSS news, the digital book for Part One nears completion. All the art is formatted and the covers are done, just gotta do things like indicia page and probably some kind of introduction, stuff like that. I’m hoping to have it available by the end of the month.

Oh, hey, and the Beyond Anthology (which, as I’m sure you know, has a 16-page Valley of the Silk Sky short story in it) got a great write-up in the Onion’s AV Club. Read all about it!

Meanwhile, those feeps:

Feeping Creatures monster art on Etsy

The sale on my monster art stuffs ends this Sunday the 14th, so these are the last days for snagging that sweet 20% off. Use that code! CarsSureAreGreat20

Also, I should mention that I’m doing a small, local show on Saturday night: Beastival 3 at Mile High Comics, if you’re in the Denver area.

If you can’t make it to the Beastival, be aware that items from the Etsy shop may disappear on Saturday night as they sell at the show. So if there’s a feep you’ve had your heart set on, best to snag it now!



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