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Valley of the Silk Sky page 35 on the screen, Beyond in the flesh!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 35 on the screen, Beyond in the flesh! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 35 on the screen, Beyond in the flesh!

Valley of the Silk Sky LGBTQIA science fiction comic

Things are officially at Confounding Predicament Level with this update. Observe:

Tune in next week, I guess, to find out if this is the end!

MEANWHILE, I got my Beyond comps this week and they are both boofoo and delicious.

Beyond Anthology is delicious queer comics candy

If you backed the Kickstarter, your copy should be in the mail if it’s not in your eager mitts already. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can now preorder the hardcopy of the book, or you can buy the PDF right this very now.

How can you accomplish these tasks, you ask? Why, simply hit up the shiny new Beyond Press website and do the thing.


(Also, my story in Beyond will pretty quickly tell you whether or not page 36 of the Long Run is The Actual End [hint: probably not].)



VoSS page 34, and Beyond!

VoSS page 34, and Beyond! published on No Comments on VoSS page 34, and Beyond!

lgbtqia YA sci fi comic Valley of the Silk Sky

Page 34 of Valley of the Silk Sky is here, and it is filled with sharp, pointy teeth:

On the Beyond Anthology front, there’s a shiny new website from which you can now get digital copies of the book, or pre-order the softcover if you missed out on the Kickstarter.

Reviews are starting to trickle in: here’s one from Women Write About Comics, and another from Autostraddle.

Ya know, juuuuust in case you were on the fence about picking up the book. ;)

My own contributor copies are en route to me. Once they’re here, expect goofy-faced selfies. Yuss indeed.



VoSS page 33 and APE this weekend

VoSS page 33 and APE this weekend published on No Comments on VoSS page 33 and APE this weekend

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA science fiction webcomic

As the thumbnail image might suggest, there are some CURIOUS GOINGS ON with this week’s Valley of the Silk Sky page. Find out the deets here:

And yes, I will indeed be at the Alternative Press Expo this weekend, Oct. 3-4, in San Jose, CA. You can find me at the Northwest Press booth, 408/309.

I have TWO new comics out since last I appeared at APE, so definitely come check ’em out.

Speaking of new comics, word on the street is that hard copies of the Beyond Anthology are shipping out this week, so if you backed the Kickstarter you should be seeing your copy shortly. If you missed out on the Kickstarter, this means sales will open to the general public very, very soon!



Valley of the Silk Sky is back! Chapter 4 commences

Valley of the Silk Sky is back! Chapter 4 commences published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky is back! Chapter 4 commences

lgbtqia science fiction Valley of the Silk Sky webcomic

VoSS is back, and Chapter 4 opens with a dose of What Do? Read it here:

And then tune in next week to find out What Did.

Speaking of VoSS, it looks like Beyond printed books have landed with the editors, and will be winging their way out to Kickstarter backers very shortly. Once all Kickstarter orders have been filled, the book will be made available for sale to the general public. So if you missed the Kickstarter, don’t fret! You’ll be able to snag a copy soon.

Big thanks to everyone who came to SPX and bought books, and who attended the panel! It went really well, I had a great time, and sincerely hope I can be back next year.

Next up on the con schedule is the Alternative Press Expo in San Jose, CA. I’ll be tabling with Northwest Press once again, so if you’re going to be at APE look for me there. We’ll have a double endcap at 408/309.



Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 3 concludes!

Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 3 concludes! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 3 concludes!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA science fiction comic

Page 31 is done, and it’s a wrap for chapter 3. Observe:

So, what of Chapter 4? I’ve got 13 pages penciled, a couple inked, but nothing painted. Things have been enormously busy this summer with travel and conventions and whatnot, and I have a short-turnaround comics project I need to crank out in the next couple of weeks.

I don’t want to start posting pages of Chapter 4 until I have enough done to ensure an unbroken run, so I’m going to take a short break to build up the buffer again.

My goal is to start posting Chapter 4 right around the time the Beyond Anthology has its official release at the end of September. (I have a 16-page VoSS story in there, exclusive to the anthology, so keep an eye out for it.)

In the meantime, I’ll be doing another series of between-chapters world-building posts on the VoSS tumblr, which you can find indexed here.

Folks who pledge $1 or more on my Patreon will get a bunch of concept art and character design posts over the next few weeks. If that’s your bag, you can find said Patreon here.

See you in September!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 30, and NecronomiCon Providence

Valley of the Silk Sky page 30, and NecronomiCon Providence published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 30, and NecronomiCon Providence

queer YA science fiction webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 30 is up! This is the penultimate page of chapter 3, so really, things can’t get any worse, right? Read it here:

Tune in next week to find out if, in fact, things CAN get any worse.

Meanwhile, if you’re in or around Providence, RI, I’ll be vending at NecronomiCon Providence August 20-23.

I’ll mostly be selling Feeping Creatures stuff, but I will have a few comics on hand if that’s your desire. The vendor stuff is happening at the Convention Center, and you don’t need a convention badge to get in (though I understand there’s a small door fee if you don’t have a badge).

So! Come get some monster-themed stuff, won’t ya.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 29 has a heaping dose of WAIT, WHAT

Valley of the Silk Sky page 29 has a heaping dose of WAIT, WHAT published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 29 has a heaping dose of WAIT, WHAT

queer YA sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Things are turning a bit upside down (possibly literally) in this week’s installment of VoSS. Discover the deets here:

I can only imagine what next week will bring. (Well, okay, not ONLY imagine. Also write, draw, ink, color, and publish.)

What else? SPX is a little over a month away, and they’ve just published the exhibitor list. You may notice a certain name on there, hem hem. What, no, I meant MY name, dammit. Sigh.

ANYWAY. Yes. Gonna be at SPX. And, while the official date hasn’t been announced just yet, a certain Beyond Anthology is also about to drop. More on that as it is revealed!

Still penciling VoSS chapter 4 (in the midst of page 44 even now), still working on Comic For a Certain Website, about which more later. And next week I’ll be in Providence for NecronomiCon. Mostly that’s going to be about Feeping Creatures stuff, but I’ll bring a handful of comics as well.

In other words, BUSY BUSY.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 28 – the thought plickens

Valley of the Silk Sky page 28 – the thought plickens published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 28 – the thought plickens

Queer YA science fiction webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

The latest installment features some curious goings on, curious indeed:

“The Swamp” is the colloquial name for Eradu Province, the one directly beneath Muru. Many areas in Eradu are partially submerged, and sewage runoff from the upper provinces often collects there, sometimes fermenting and creating pockets of explosive gas. Fun!

Needless to say, it’s not particularly habitable, and being thrown down a hole to get there does nothing to enhance the experience.

Also, let this be your periodic reminder that eVeRyOnE in this world takes gender-neutral pronouns.

In other VoSS news, I’ve been penciling away on Chapter 4, and am just over halfway through. I’d ideally like to finish penciling by the end of the month, but it may not happen because of Other Projects and Things. Point is, I’m working on it, but the going is slow on account of needing to actually make money?

I guess this is as good a time as any to remind folks that I have a Patreon, and by pledging to it you can help cut down on the amount of Other Projects and Things I have to take on. Just sayin’!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 27, SDCC trans panel on CBR, Northwest Press sale

Valley of the Silk Sky page 27, SDCC trans panel on CBR, Northwest Press sale published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 27, SDCC trans panel on CBR, Northwest Press sale

lgbtqia YA science fiction webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

VoSS page 27 features lots of people being surprised about various things. What are they surprised about? Find out here:

So THAT’S probably fine, right? I’m sure everything will be fine.

And yes, more coverage of the SDCC Writing Transgender Characters panel trickles in, this time with an article on Comic Book Resources. Props for not going with a Caitlyn Jenner headline (srsly, trans people existed before Cait, cis media).

Finally, my publisher, Northwest Press, is having a summer sale! Observe these deets:

queer comics sale Northwest Press

Use the coupon code STILLSUMMER to get 30% off anything in the store. That includes Transposes, Politically InQueerect, QU33R, and lots of other titles!

Stock up and get yerself a pile of queer comics for your summer reading pleasure.



VoSS page 26, SDCC trans panel roundup

VoSS page 26, SDCC trans panel roundup published on No Comments on VoSS page 26, SDCC trans panel roundup

queer YA sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky

Valley of the Silk Sky page 26 has arrived, and it features curious goings on. Read:

Did I mention Chapter 1 was going to be on the test? Well, Chapter 1 is on the test. BUT, I guess if you need to, you can refresh your memory of how repellents work by rereading page 10.

Also, if you’re curious to know more of the Writing Transgender Characters panel that happened at SDCC a couple of weeks ago, I did a round-up post on Tumblr with some additional commentary to fill out some details relevant to the posted article.



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